Things The Signs Have Said That Break My Heart

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Aries:Was I ever anything more than a sad kid? I thought the drugs would help, but they just make you sadder and a little deader. I really tried my best, but I don't think there's much use anymore. Nobody cared then, and nobody cares now.

Taurus:I'm sorry, but I fell in love with you. I watch you move and I'm captivated. The world slows down just a little bit when I look at you. I wanna kiss your long neck, and run my fingers through your curly hair. I wanna listen to you talk for hours about old movies and bad music. I wanna hear every word that you have to say. But I can't, because you're in love with someone else

Gemini:I dreamed so much as a little kid. All those dreams are dead know. The world has a lot of fun killing little girls dreams.

Cancer:Please don't go! Stay! Stay! I need you to stay! No one ever stays.

Leo:I used to be special. Everyone thought I was going to be this amazing person. They thought I would do great things, but look at me. I'm nothing. If I was anything, it would be a failure.

Virgo:She just left. She didn't say anything. In one simple second, all the love and laughter that we had, was ripped from both of us. She just decided she did't feel like loving me anymore.

Libra:It's all gone. Any hope that I had is gone.

Scorpio:Do you think that if I get prettier, he might look at me like he used to? Maybe he'll love me again.

Sagittarius:The whole world is at my fingertips, they say, but I can't seem to ever grab it.

Capricorn:I could tell she didn't love me anymore. She would smile, but in her eyes I could see the pity and slight disgust she had for me. I tried to stop loving her, but I couldn't. I felt pathetic, like I was stood up. But this time I couldn't just go home and forget about it the next day. She was, and still is, my everything.

Aquarius:I don't want to feel this anymore. I don't want to be trapped in my mind. I want to live again. I just want to see the light one more time.

Pisces:Could you just tell me you love me? You don't have to mean it. I just want, for a second, to feel loved.

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