What did I just saw?

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Found myself trapped in a forest so far away from civilization that no light could be spotted. The coldness in the air was not helping at all with the darkened landscape of tall trees, while the animals that could live here seemed inexistent. My steps felt hefty and my sight tried to comprehend this surreal place I found myself in. Tried getting out of this maze so many times, turning left and right with no more hope of finding a way out. That was until... I caught sight of something so out of the ordinary. It wore such a beautiful dress, white as snow, even though the ground should have tore it down and grime it and the long hair was swaying in the wind like waves in an ocean. Somehow I managed to catch a glimpse of this person. It... She, had no face whatsoever! That radiant, white as chalk, face had no features to recognize. An angel? It can't be: no wings to be found on her back. This angelic like entity turns to me. Even though she doesn't seem aggressive, I ended up paralyzed, unable to even make a sound. The entity comes closer and closer as a white halo spawns on top of her head, floating. As she took gentle steps, the halo got bigger and started to shift into an eye. No pupil, weird marks like sigils coming out of nowhere that somehow made a little sense in my mind: "Cone fynd mi¡". Come find me? I say this to myself but got interrupted by a loud ringing in my ears and a really bad headache. The last thing I see is this eye blinking rapidly in some sort of excitement still understanding "Come find me!" but the ringing got louder and louder. All of a sudden...

It stopped. I see my roof, poorly lit from the street lamp, in my bed, half covered by a thin bed sheet I use as a cover:

(L)- What the heck was that?

Thought I was drenched in sweat but the covers were dry. Looking at my phone made me even more confused. 03:00 AM? No, 00:30 AM. Thank goodness. What a palindrome. To drink that bottle of water that waited all night was just the right thing do to now, but the confusion was even greater. This dream was recurring, always the same up until that entity. At least Highschool is over and I won't have to wake up early in the morning. As impossible as it felt, sleep caught back to me.

Waking up wasn't that hard today, but the sun coming from my window straight into my eyes left me blind for a good moment. Perfect timing: my phone is ringing and it's... Ella? Let's see. Missed the button a couple of times but managed to answer:

(L)- Hello?

(E)- Leo! Did you wake up or are we gonna have to wait for you?

(L)- Mmm-what?

(E)- You forgot? We need to meet up at the café? 11 o'clock? Please tell me you can make it as fast as you can. It's already 10 and we all know how fast you move.

(L)- OH SHOOT! Yeah, okay, I'll try to be there, don't worry!

(E)- Okay, Leo! We are waiting for you.

(L)- Will you stay on this call with me so we are sure I don't waste any time?

(E)- Hmm... NO! BYE!

"Beep, beep" is what I am left with. Guess the car is coming out of the parking lot today. Got up, felt a bit dizzy but that didn't stop me to get to the bathroom. The bed is the only thing I don't want to sit on to "catch my breath". The window in my bathroom, as small as it is, catches all the wind to wake me up even better; I flush the toilet, lid down because that is the only right answer. Now the mirror: hair looks good after brushing it, my face a bit swollen, nothing that cold water can't fix. Got my cleanser, washed with cold then warmer water and got to cleansing. Dried my face, got my toothbrush and here are two minutes where I put a song from my playlist so time flies faster. I look at myself and keep brushing, humming and jamming to the song. I bend down to spit and clean my chin then look again in the mirror. I freeze in disbelief:

(L)- What the-

I step back and look around in the mirror... What in the actual world is an eye doing on top of my head? Reached for more cold water to splash on to my eyes but it didn't work. It's still there, looking around; curiously. It's golden with a little white as an outline, again no pupil, long lashes ,but in a small number. After looking around, I make direct eye contact with it:

(?)- Hello, Leo! I am so glad we can finally communicate!

The playlist keeps playing as I sit a while in silence and awe:

(L)- Oookay... I can't even explain what is going on. Can't even say I'm still sleeping.

(?)- You sure are not! By the way, great song you are listening to. I still remember when you discovered for the first time. It was on repeat for way more than ten times.

(L)- How the heck do you know that? You just appeared!

(?)- Oh no, that is wrong. I have been here since you were born. You just could not see me.

(L)- So you saw when I did-

(?)- Yes, almost everything. Don't even need to continue your sentence.

(L)- Well now I feel embarrassed!

(?)- Don't worry! When I said almost everything it is almost everything. You still have intimacy, you know? Now, I have to really make an introduction. I am a Saraffin. We do not really have a gender or a name as you humans do, but ,to make it easier, Saraffin is the male, while Saraffina is the female. We can call each other by different and unique frequencies and talk by a long-lost language that a really small number of people can speak. Saraffins cannot really "go way", we can kind of float near your bodies, but never separated. Any questions?

This... Eye kept talking quickly about it's
attributes, leaving me almost no time to understand and take in what is currently going on:

(L)- Am... I... Out of respect I won't just leave without saying anything, yet it feels just like a plot from a cartoon. Am I really sure you are real? It's still a lot to take in and it is hard to believe you came in here out of thin air even though you say you were always here.

(S)- I know it is hard to accept this. Honestly, we have two possibilities we can choose: we talk this out here and now or we go to this café and talk about all this with books and a little cup of tea later.

(L)- Okay, the second option sounds better because I feel like we are already running late.

With this eye now following me along, I got to my wardrobe to choose an outfit. Checked the weather today and it was not pleasant at all: 37 degrees Celsius. What am I going to wear? Clearly we are going to the park afterwards and any sort of dark T-shirt will bring my doom. For the best, I will choose a floral shirt with a pair of green shorts and my day to day Converse shoes that are about to get torn apart any time soon. I complete my self care routine and then I grab my fanny pack, my wallet and my car keys so we can move on with the day. It just feels so wierd to know now that I have "Saraffin".

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