Where The Journey Begins....

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"Jk do you know, whom we remember when we are having a hard time...... those who we believe in." she whispered smiling.

"Jungkook I'll be honest this time, tell me!.... have you never felt the emptiness that surrounds your life.... have you never seen the darkness that engulfs your world completely... Were you never desperate to find a way.. or a path that guides you and leads you to your right destination??

She didn't wait for his response; she knew he felt it too, he was experiencing this feeling but he couldn't understand it...

---And the fact is, a person can never have a peaceful life, can never be happy if he doesn't find the right path of Islam, even if he  gets all the happiness in the world, if he doesn't believe in Allah, than nothing worth it, nothing can replace it... Nothing ---

And he was quite, listening to her healing words, -meanwhile everyone was busy worrying about his body injuries, she was healing the deep hidden wounds of his soul.-

She continued after a short break.
"JK!... Think about it, is the life that you have been living, would have benefits you yesterday when you were at death's door....
would those trophies helped you.... would the fame you gained for years.... would have saved you when you were about to die, does everything you achieved yet would worth anything after your death...... your fans.. they'll forget you, even if they don't then what?.... Would their tears bring you back to life?.... No!
Then have you ever thought why you have been working hard for it.. have you never tried to find the actual reason behind your existence, do you think you just came here to work hard, become famous and then die? Nothing after death.....???"
She paused, letting her words sink in, leaving him to ponder the true worth of his existence.

In a moment of raw honesty, he spoke, his voice gets heavy with a sense of disillusionment

"I don't know... right now, it all feels meaningless. Everything I once held dear now feels like dust in the wind, the life I once cherished, you left me now suspecting it's worth, now when I experienced it, death scares me, I am afraid.... what if there is something waiting for me after reaching the end point of my life."
It was hard for him to accept the harsh reality and the cruel fact. She left him questioning the purpose of his existence, and this is where the journey begins.....

Taehyung and Rose

As they stepped into the grand mansion, a wave of emptiness enveloped the air, the silence echoing through the vast halls.

Rose got a bit nervous, for the first time they were alone here, specially after knowing his affection towards her.,
Watching Taehyung wearily remove his coat and adjust the lounge's heater, she inquired "Why warm up the place, you aren't planning to stay here right?"
"Yeah, I am going to stay here, why??.... won't you feel scared being alone in this grand mansion" Her eyes open wide. "Mr Tae: you forgot, once I was alone in this whole mansion waiting for you and you left me alone, and now you think I'll be afraid even if you are present but in your room upstairs" she pointed out at his room on the first floor.
And the embarrassment hit him.
"A.. actually I am sorry again about that day, I lost my mind, being drunk and then JK. I apologize for that but please can you not bring it up again."

"It's okay, I won't, Inshallah" She slightly smiled and saw him ascending the stairs..then sighed.

1 hour later.
"Taehyung!!! Tae!!" She kept calling out his name, growing more and more concerned with each unanswered call.
"What's he doing"? She ascended the stairs, wondering why he isn't replying.

"Could he be in a deep slumber ?the repeated knocks should have roused him" she thought.

After a moment of waiting, she made the brave decision to enter his room, though she wasn't used to do so, cause despite them living together, Aish and Rose never visit their rooms, they don't even come upstairs untill it's urgent.

She slowly opened the door .. and was taken aback.
Tae, sprawled half on the floor and half on the couch, seemingly lost in a deep sleep or perhaps unconscious.

Rushing to his side, she called out to him, checking his heartbeat with relief as she felt its steady rhythm.

"Thank goodness," she murmured, gently placing her hand on his forehead.

Moving slightly at her touch, he opened his eyes briefly and looked at her before closing them again, weighed down by his heavy head.

"Oh, Tae! You're burning up! What should I do?
Allah, Taehyung... At least rest on your bed, Why are you here on the floor" the concern was clear in her voice.
And his whispered words revealed his struggle.
"I wanted to open the door for you since you were waiting outside, but I couldn't make it there," and she realized how worse his condition was.

"Okay, I'll help you, get up!. she encouraged him.
Extending her hand, he hesitated, aware of the discomfort she feels when she is touched by men, but it's an emergency now.

Slowly, he allowed her to guide him to the bed, where she tucked him in with a cozy blanket.
" Drink the water first, and I'll contact RM," she said but he refused.
"Please don't, he's already dealing with a lot, let's not trouble him."
Then what should I do? Look at yourself, you're not well."
"It's fine, I have my medicine here, I'll take it," he reassured her.
"Not now, have the porridge I made for JK first, then take your medicine," she insisted before leaving the room without waiting for his response.

Returning with the food, she coaxed.
"Here, come on..." He turned away, refusing to eat.
"No, I don't want to."
she urged.
"Why not? It's delicious! Just try a bit."
Frustrated, he pouted, making a cry face.
"I just don't feel like eating." 
 "Tae! I am telling I won't let you take your medicine on an empty stomach. If you don't eat, I'll call RM right now."
He sealed his lips...
"Tae for real? I made this for you, if you won't eat it I'll feel sad, it'll break my heart, forget it, I'll never cook for you again" when nothing worked she tried to blackmail him emotionally for his feelings towards her , and it actually worked.
"Okay, I'll eat, but just a little bit" he knew that why she is doing this but still his heart didn't allowed him to disappoint his favorite girl.

To be continued.....

So at first I would like to apologize Sincerely, for being late, I know I am such a lazy writer, and then I also don't get time to focus...
So I am really really sorry about
that.. and for that I am posting two parts together...
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Your writer.

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