21. Wuxhia

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“Lemohn's Mirror is the cryfix of House Lemohn.”


The council members turn eagerly to Wuxhia awaiting his answer.

"Sometime before the hundredth day deadline."

"Is that all she said?" Lord Nua Tai from Dian's House and Keeper of Youth Affairs asks. Wuxhia glares at him.

"Is it my honesty or the honesty of the queen you question?"

"We just collectively wished she had been more specific. We all know what will happen if the deadline passes. More news got to us that both her sons escorted her."

"After them, I am next in line," says Duke Driseris Fahrey, second cousin of Queen Eim's late husband, King Meghren. Wuxhia hides a scowl. Driseris taking the crown would not happen on his watch.

"Do you know what discussing royal hierarchy just seven days into a succession deadline reminds me of Duke Fahrey? It reminds me of treason."

The Duke gulps, "That wasn't my intention."

"It would please me to inform you all that the queen left me and the captain in charge of coronation plans."

The council seems to fumble for what to say next. Some give Bough accusing glances for probably not telling them beforehand but Bough chooses to avoid the intimidation by looking up at the room's ceiling carved with stories of Albeny's greatest wars, all fought on sea since enemies could not infiltrate the Tai successfully.

"Ahem, I suppose it's about time," Fevren breaks the tension and the council nods in agreement.

"He'll make a fine king," Simine agrees. Wuxhia hands ball into fists by his sides, annoyed. He is ready to feed off on any barest hint of dissent, but there is none. It is a slap on Wuxhia's courage and confidence. Could he sway these lords and ladies to his side? Really sway them?

"We must drink to his healthy reign," Lady Xesta Maiha, head of the country's heritage museum comments. Driseris gives her a side eye.

"We surely will when he returns," Wuxhia says before Driseris can say the same thing but in a more rude manner. "Anything else? The way I see it, we did not need this council meeting to confirm the country will not topple just because the royal family is temporarily gone on important business."

"What business could really be that important?"

"Classified Lady Xri," Wuxhia shoots her a warning look. "My Lord Hand, this is the right time to adjourn."

"Wait," all heads turn to Bough.

"There is actually one serious problem."

"Captain, I thought we agreed to keep the serious problems down for the queen?"

"I'm…I'm not sure this one can wait that long."

"Say it then," Wuxhia snaps distastefully, angry that Bough had not chosen to confide in him after all.

"It is about the Salem Cryfix, Salem's Flower."

Wuxhia stiffens. Even Jaise sits up.

"That's right, silly that I forgot. I'm the one who told the captain about the latest observations," Lady Gandalia Uvin, First Lady of Salem House speaks up. She would have been custodian of Salem's Flower as every first lord or lady of a major house is but for the open secret that Salem has not set eyes on their house's cryfix for centuries.

"The observations are increasingly widespread day by day," Jaise says. This is a topic he is obviously interested in and Wuxhia knows he should be wary of that fact. Jaise is the council's conveyer and Keeper of Information. His interest is clearly as dangerous as his non chalance. He may dig too deep and find out things he is not supposed to know about.

"Salem's Flower has been missing for centuries. Its loss wasn't taken seriously because we all assumed it is in a safe place since its magic remained consistent. Now, now it's not."

A hush falls over the strategy room, greater that when Wuxhia plopped himself on the queen's seat.

"Can you elaborate Lady Uvin?"

"Many citizens connected to Salem's Flower have been complaining about their abilities fluctuating and failing them."

"Is this even possible?" Idris expresses.

"Nothing is possible until it is," Gandalia replies smartly. "Wherever safe place the cryfix was hidden before, be it under the ground or above the sky, it is no longer safe there. We should find it."

"Where do we start with such a search?" asks Lady Lina Qaas from Zia's House and Keeper of the Country's Records. "It's been centuries. The trail has gone cold."

"Can this lead to the absolute obliteration of a cryfix?"

"It would be a first Lord Lemohn but perhaps you are thinking too far. I'm sure our records keeper, our captain and Lady Uvin can work together to find even the faintest clue. We must not let the people panic," Wuxhia concludes. He is panicking. He had not seen this coming but he has an idea what caused it. When he was fighting his father, Xihan had stabbed one of the jewels on Salem's Flower. "I am sure it is just a temporary fluke. I hope it is."

"It better be," Simine says, "Albenarum would soon begin its annual tournament. Salem Cryfix users would not get a fair chance."

"Have they thought maybe that is just how it ought to be?" Fevren slyly asks.

"Let's all work to the best of our capacities to get to the root of the problem," Wuxhia announces before another argument can brew. He feels queasy and has heard enough. He is eager to end the meeting so he can go form his own strategies in private. He rises, "Please Hand."

"There is another serious problem."

"What?" Wuxhia snaps. Even the council members groan. Bough could have just said his two serious problems at once instead of splitting them. Bough fidgets.

"Speak," Driseris urges impatiently. Wuxhia balances Driseris' impoliteness by gently tilting his head in an encouraging manner. The next words that leave Bough's lips make Wuxhia to instantly regret his kindness. A buzz fills his ears as the council becomes noisy.

"Say that again," Wuxhia requests.

"The Winter Solstice. It's gone."

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