Duels and Nightmares

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Before things start I just want to make a few things clear. I will be using the anime effects for a few cards mentioned and the pictures I use will mostly be for the cards I made. Most of which will be in the previous 2 parts labeled "Nightmare".  The names for the cards will be in bold so if you want to know there affects for sure just google them.

Akiza couldn't believe her eyes, she dared not try to. In fear that she'd lose the treasured memories of the one person she'd held onto through the years. Now standing before her, in the ruins of the trashed island of Satellite, stood a young man about her age. Dressed in a dark cloak with green markings on it. His bright green irises pierced through his black sclera that matched his forest green hair. And the criminal markings on his face that resembled jagged flowing tears brought her mind to a stop.

She knew who this was, deep down in her heart she knew exactly who was standing before her. Someone she lost long ago and had prayed for the day she'd see him again. But not like this. Her eyes were drawn towards his right arm where she saw her final piece for proof. A glowing mark that resembles a pair of hands reaching down to his scarred and crooked hands.

"Well, well, well...." His voice was etched in madness and venom that it made her brain rattle. "Don't you know how to greet old friends, Rosie?"

"I-Izuku....." She quietly said, forcing any developing tears back as she saw a wall of flames erupt around them. A familiar feeling in her own right arm signaling her on what was happening right now.

"Confused, ain't ya?" He smiled widely as he let out a wild fit of laughter. "Don't worry, I was too! One moment I getting my brains blown out by Sector Security and the next thing I knew I was burning hundreds of officers to ashes!"

He continued to laugh at such a horrific thing as if it was a simple joke. She grit her teeth in anger as she looked up the thing that dared look like him. Her heart was pounding, her mind racing and her rage boiling over the edge. No, rage was too simple a feeling to describe what she was feeling. She was furious.

"Shut up!" She yelled, her powers sending off a wave that caused the ground to shake. His laughter died as he refocused his attention on her, holding that same sickening smile. "You can't be him! Liar! Fake! The Izuku Midoriya I knew was the kindest person in the entire world!"

"I was kind. I was a good person. That is until I realized that it was all dog shit!" He let out an angry cry as his eyes blazed to life. "I would've thought you learned that by now. I guess that damned cult brainwashed you more than I thought."

"W-what happened to you?" She stuttered out as she lost the ability to fight off her tears. "What happened to my best friend?"

"He died!" Izuku growled as his duel disk activated. "If you still don't believe me then how about this!"

Akiza's duel disk sprang to life as she drew her hand, her eyes refusing to dry as she watched him draw. For what seemed like years she stared at him, seeing a visage of a kind hearted young boy. Only to watch it dissolve into the monster of madness before her.


LP: 4000

Hand: 5


LP: 4000

Hand: 5

"My move! I draw!" He looked at his cards as he developed a cruel grin. "To start things off I'll activate these three spells, Nightmare Shrine, Nightmare Soul Tower, and the field spell Vast Nightmare!"

 "To start things off I'll activate these three spells, Nightmare Shrine, Nightmare Soul Tower, and the field spell Vast Nightmare!"

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