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The First Day

I could hear the patting of the rain on the carriage window. The cloud's tears were the only noise I could hear. It was calming in a way, the outside view being the only thing that could be of comfort.

I think to myself, after all of these years of feeling unloved, feeling alone, being castrated and isolated by my siblings, my concerns being dismissed by my parents. Growing up in a toxic and horrid household, why am I still sad to leave? Shouldn't I be galivanting that I'm going off to travel somewhere new?

Then again, those hopeful thoughts shouldn't be there in the first place. Not after my own home was invaded and thousands of people were killed. Not after I could've been killed.

My father raised his head from the piles of papers in his hands. "Aurelia, stop looking out the window or you will only see the horror that surrounds us."

I ignore his wishes, continuing to do as I please as he grumbles, continuing to stare at me. I could feel the temperature get warmer as the carriage keeps marching forward. The sound of rain being replaced by cracking and sizzling noises.

Looking outside the window, instead of the grassy fields, it's replaced by dead ones. The town that we are passing through wouldn't even be considered a town by now. Just ruins of what remained of one. Houses destroyed and fire engulfing in ablaze. The sounds were roaring.

My eyes grew big as we passed by the town center. So many grueling and haunting sights were seen. All the towns people. Dead. Lying there as if they were in a deep slumber.

My view of the window was then shut by the curtain. My father quickly closing it.

"That's enough Aurelia." he sternly said, slightly raising his voice. 

My eyes heavily looked to the ground, knowing that I might hear an earful. "Yes, father."

He shook his head, scoffing, then continuing to look at the paper work, writing and thinking. "Even after all this time, even after what we've been through and what you've seen, you still want to misbehave and not listen."

"I'm sorry father." I murmur, continuing to keep my head down.

He sighed, looking back at me, pointing his finger. "Get this through your head girl. What ever type of behavior you've had back home, better disappear the moment we enter those kingdom walls. These are powerful people do you understand?"

I couldn't blink, for a second I felt like I couldn't breathe. "Yes father."

Apparently our kingdoms have known each other for decades and are "quite friendly" with each other. It's one of the only kingdoms that aren't involved in the war.

The war itself, I have no knowledge of, that being one of the only things my father nor my family ever telling me.

The only thing I know is that my mother and my siblings have separated from us to be somewhere safe. I couldn't join them. Everything at home was blurry. We had to leave quickly. My kingdom wasn't safe from the war sadly.

The rain stopped. Instead there was sun, bright enough to blind you. The silence was no longer there and was replaced by loud chatters of people. The carriage halted, making me almost fall of of my chair. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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