S1 Ep6 Rise Of DarkChain

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We start off with Kenji and Starlight waiting in the center of theistro city seemingly waiting for someone

Kenji: Seriously if they don't hurry up I'll just keep it to myself

Starlight dragon: What do you think Aurora meant by "answer in the stars"?

Kenji:  I don't know..I wish that woman wasn't full of riddles and gave actually answers

Starlight Dragon: I agree but.. nothing is ever that easy

Kenji: fair enough..

Aoi: Kenji! *Running towards him with Adriana* Why'd you call us here?

Starlight Dragon: *materialized* Well aoilina me and Kenji have some things we'd like to share with the both of you

Aoi: First of all it aoi! Secondly what things?

Kenji: Some...information we've found out earlier...

Adriana: fine but if we're gonna listen you owe me some information as well!

Kenji: *crossed his arms and turned his attention to Adriana* Like what?

Adriana: Well there's a lot...aoi told me you can use V-Evolution which sounds alot like the thing Azrael used against me..also what's the deal with the change in you looks and personality..and the talking dragon isn't weird to anyone else?

Kenji: *chuckles* Fine I suppose I'll spill everything I know...but not here

Aoi: Agreed...id say we should discuss this in a more quieter place...let's go to my place

Kenji: Ok then let's go...there's much to discuss

[Insert intro here]

Adrian POV

Adrian: He lost...that fool

Ace: I knew he would..

Adrian: You are really starting to annoy me

Ace: All you've gotta do is duel me...and you'll have succeeded in getting rid of me...that is..unless your scared

Adrian: Me scared of you? Hilarious..

Ace: Then duel me right above the volcano

Adrian: No..this spot is reserved for a separate duel...follow me

Adrian leads ace to an open room which was completely empty

Adrian: This is perfect for you...cause like you it's bland and boring

Ace: you know you should really learn to fight with your cards and not your words

Adrian: *inserts his deck into his duel disk then activated it* this is really a waste of my time but let's go..

Ace: great! *Inserts his deck into his duel disk* I'll start if you don't mind

Adrian: (excellent..) I don't care if you start or not...you'll still lose

Ace: I'll show you //hc x 5// First I'll activate the spell Beneficial Destruction //4 hc// I discard my entire hand then draw six new cards

Adrian: (so his deck is similar to that of Azraels....the only difference is....it'll fall way harder)

Ace: //6hc// now destruction Dragon activates it's effect from the graveyard.. since it was discarded from my hand I get to special summon it too my field

(Ace gy count 3)

Destruction Dragon Atk 2500
Def 2000
Level ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


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