Chapter 4

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(A/n: So there will be very few pov changes and this is one of them, also I want to start writing longer chapters so please be patient.)

(Yoongi's POV)

I laid in bed with the boys surrounding me, listening to (Y/n)'s heartbeat. I heard it pick up it's pace as if she were stressed or mad, which put us all on edge ready to burst out of the room and rush to her if needed. Seconds later though it calmed down and slowly got calmer and calmer until it was calm enough for us to tell she was sleeping. Her heartbeat is so much slower than ours, it's weird but I guess that's how human hearts work.

"Hyungs can't you all smell her? She is it our final mate!" Jungkook squealed excitedly from beside Jin. I felt arms wrap around me and pull me close, already knowing it is Taehyung. "Kookie, baby, you need to calm down, we can't tell her, or she might reject us, we have to let her fall for us first." Joonie spoke calmly to him, while he played with Jimin's hair. I smiled at the sight but thinking it would be even better if she was in here too. "Do you think she will let us get supplies to build a burrow?" Jimin mumbled, face shoved in Hobi's shoulder. "I'm sure she will bud." I reassured him, while pulling Hobi to my chest. The golden retriever's tail started to wag hitting Jimin, even though none of us cared. I noticed Jungkook curling up to Jin, slightly pushing him forward to lean against Joon. Jin sighed changing positions so Joon's head would lay on his chest as he slowly ran his fingers through his hair. I turned my head slightly to see Tae and found him passed out, his breath hitting the back of my neck. "Tae is out." I whispered softly. "So is Chim." Joon responded. I looked at Jungkook to see his eyes fluttering as if he was trying to stay awake. "Kook, go to sleep baby. We are finally safe." I told him. Those of us still awake gave a sad smile. It sucks to think that almost all of us weren't safe but, that is how it is for some hybrids. We all sat there in silence, for a bit. Jungkook had fallen asleep along with Hobi, which is good they need some more rest. Joon's eyes were shut but I could tell he was still awake and I turned my eyes to Jin only for him to be looking right at me. "Why don't you sleep Yoongs?" He asked me. "Not yet, not until everyone is asleep and safe, even her." I replied back. "Sweetie we are safe, we are all safe even her, and she wants us to be comfortable and happy, so sleep." He whispered softly. I gave a curt nod and shut my eyes, I guess I was really tired, because I was out in seconds.

I awoke to no one in the bed. I quickly started to listen to heartbeats, sighing in relief when I counted 7. I got out of bed and headed to the door, listening to where they may all be. I wandered downstairs and found them all in the kitchen. To my surprise, they were all talking, Jin seemed to be telling (Y/n) some of his jokes. The boys were at the counter talking to each other, when they finally noticed me. "Good morning, Yoongi, would you like some pancakes?" (Y/n) asked, her sweet soft voice refreshing to hear in the morning. "Yes please." I replied.  She turned around and went back to cooking. A bit later, she walked over with a plate of pancakes. She started to grab other plates for us and handed out the pancakes. I couldn't help but notice she gave each of us 3 but only one for herself. We all ate quickly, and when I say her cooking is good, I mean it. It was delicious. 

"Ok so, since we are done, do you guys want a house tour or to go shopping?" (Y/n) spoke softly. "Can we do the tour please?" Hoseok asked. She smiled sweetly at him and gave him a nod. "Yeah, we can just let me use the bathroom." She walked away to use the bathroom, when I finally noticed everyone was still in their pajamas, even her. "Guys should we change?" I said to the boys. "No, I like these, they're comfy." Jungkook replied adding a pout to convince me. I chuckled and reached over to ruffle his hair. He giggled and playfully swatted at my hand. I heard (Y/n) start to come into the room, and with her the scent of blood. I froze, I turned to the boys, and it seemed they noticed it too. I started to inspect her for any wounds or detect where the scent was coming from, only to find nothing. "Ok guys come on." She gave a small smile and walked to the stairs that would take you downstairs. We all got up to follow her, I was still looking for the blood. She led us down the same hallway as last night until we reached the front door. "Ok this is obviously the entryway, and the closet is right here. When we come in, our shoes go in here." She spoke. I tried to listen, but the smell of blood just got a bit stronger. She made a sign for us to move over, then walked right past us, into the hallway. "This room is the laundry room, and the one across from it is the room where all the cleaning supplies is." She walked us to the next set of doors. "This is a bathroom and this room is empty, but if you want one of you guys can have it, use it for whatever you want." She told us. "The rest of the hallway is rooms that are empty, except for the one at the end on the left, that is my office." She explained. She turned and went for the stairs. We walked right behind her, me being right behind her. The smell was stronger, incredibly stronger, and now I was starting to get nervous. She is our last mate, and I'm pretty sure the youngest, and she smells of blood but I can't tell where it is coming from. Before I could snap and force her down for a whole inspection, Jungkook spoke up. "(Y/n), why do you smell like blood?" He questioned. His tail moved quickly behind him, his protectiveness about to show. She turned on the stairs to face us, her cheeks bright red. "You can smell that?" She questioned. Several of us nodded our heads, mine included. "I-um you see women sometimes bleed from their privates and it happens once a month and is called a period." She explained awkwardly, her face getting redder by the second. "That's it we aren't going to the store you need to heal." Hoseok exclaimed. I gave a firm nod as did some of the others. "No, I'm not hurt it just happens, I can explain it more later, let's keep going." She spoke.

We went to the second floor, and she turned to us. "Down the hall on the last door is the kitchen, obviously. Come on." She walked toward the kitchen got to the door and turned. "This room is the living room, the TV and stuff is in there, it's were you hang out." She told us. "This is the dining room, I don't usually us it, but now that you live here, we can eat in there." She walked to another door and opened it. "This is were I keep my books, you guys can us it anytime you want." I looked into the room to find giant bookshelves loaded with books. Joon is definitely going to like this room. She pointed to the door across from it and told us it was a bathroom. We were at the last two doors in the hallway. "Here this room on the right is my art room." She opened the door and we saw a bunch of painting, stained glass, drawings. The room was full of different kinds of art. She then pointed to the room across and said, "This is my music room, I don't us it much, but you guys can if you know how to play any of the instruments." I looked into the room and the first thing I saw was a grand piano, right in the center of the room. There were other instruments, guitars, drums, a violin, and even a flute. The room was filled with any instrument you could possibly think of. It was incredible. "I already told you guys what is upstairs, so how about we change so we can go shopping?" She asked us. "No, nope, not happening. You are bleeding from your area, so you are not going anywhere." Jimin stated, puffing out his chest slightly. "Guys it is natural, and besides it lasts a whole week and I have products for it so I'm not bleeding anywhere. I promise I'm fine." She told us calmly. Jimin's chest deflated and with a huff, he agreed to go shopping. 

The boys were upstairs changing, I myself already changed. (Y/n) too, was changed and standing next to me on her phone. She suddenly turned to me, looking at me then slightly lowered her gaze. "So, Yoongi, where do you want to go first? Clothes, hygiene, phones whatever you want to start with." She smiled lightly at me. "Oh, um can we go get clothes, or collars?" I asked her. Her smile faltered slightly at the word collars, but a slight shake of her head and her smile was back. She gave a curt nod and went back to typing. Jungkook, then came racing down the stairs, Jimin and Taehyung behind him. They almost took (Y/n) out with how they barreled at her. I reached out to steady her then shot the boys a glare. "You need to be more gentle with her, she can get hurt worse than we can." I scolded them. "Boys, what did we talk about. You can't run around the house like that." Jin spoke, ready to give them an ear full. I was surprised to hear a laugh, it was like bells ringing, it was absolutely beautiful. I looked at (Y/n) and saw her laughing. I smiled, looking at the boys as some of them were smiling too. "It's okay guys. You can run around as much as you want, just don't make a mess." She spoke her smile still on her face. "Come on, get your shoes, so we can go." She smiled again. Her scent, the natural one, seemed to get lighter. Her scent was a beautiful scent, it was like walking in a field of roses with lilies and bluebells mixed in, it was lovely. I smiled at her as the other boys started to put on their shoes. 

We finally reached the mall and I was shocked at how large it was. (Y/n) turned to us and spoke, "Listen you guys need to stay with me, you don't have collars yet so you need to stick close. If you get lost by any chance at all sit down and wait for me to find you. Don't talk to anyone, just sit there, okay?" She asked us. We all nodded as she started to walk us to the front doors. Today is a good day for shopping.

(A/n: I think this is the longest I've ever written. I really hope you liked it, please feel free to comment and if you see mistakes please inform me so I can fix them. I hope you enjoyed.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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