Chapter 8

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It's been two days since Yibo has emerged from his room. Everyone knew that at that time he closed himself in the room and no one was allowed there. Yibo sat alone in his dimly lit room, the only illumination coming from the soft glow of a single lamp.
Bottles of alcohol were scattered around him, evidence of a long night spent drowning his sorrows.
His usually composed demeanor was shattered tonight, replaced by a raw vulnerability that he kept hidden from the world. As the clock struck midnight, signaling the arrival of a new day, Yibo couldn't help but feel the weight of the date.
It was his birthday, a day that once brought joy and celebration, but now only served as a painful reminder of everything he had lost. His parents, the pillars of his life, were taken from him on this very day, in a tragedy that had shattered his world and left him adrift in a sea of grief. He lifted the half-empty glass to his lips, the burn of the alcohol momentarily distracting him from the ache in his heart.
Memories of happier times flashed through his mind the laughter of his parents, their gentle encouragement, and the warmth of their love. But those memories were quickly overshadowed by the pain of their absence, the emptiness that gnawed at him day and night. The room felt stifling, suffocating him with its silence.
He longed to hear their voices, to feel their comforting presence, but they were gone, stolen from him on the day  that was supposed to be the happiest day of his life. He couldn't comprehend why fate had been so cruel, why it had chosen to rob his everything he held dear. Tears started flowing from his eyes down his face.
Setting the glass down with a shaky hand, Yibo buried his face in his palms, shoulders trembling with silent sobs.
The weight of his grief was overwhelming, threatening to consume him whole. He had built walls around his heart, shielding himself from vulnerability and pain, but tonight, those walls crumbled under the weight of his sorrow.
"I miss you," he whispered into the darkness, his voice barely above a whisper. The scenes of his parents lifeless bodies lying on the ground surrounded his thoughts, he felt his hurt would burst with this pain.
"I miss you, every day. I'm alone." His words hung heavy in the air, mingling with the scent of alcohol and the echoes of his grief.
"I promise I'll avenge you" his voice filled with grief yet the determination in it was palpable.
In that moment of vulnerability, Yibo allowed himself to cry for his parents, for the life he once knew, and for the loss that had changed him for ever.
His expression transformed rapidly, a storm of emotions playing across his face.
Just moments before, his features were etched with grief, a heavy sorrow that cast a shadow over his usual stern demeanor.
His eyes, which had been filled with a melancholic glaze, suddenly sharpened with a fierce intensity. The lines of his face tightened, his jaw clenched so hard that the muscles stood out in stark relief.
As the alarm blared, signaling an imminent signal, the sadness was swiftly replaced by a blaze of fury. His brows furrowed deeply, creating a dark, menacing look that could intimidate even the bravest of souls. His lips, which had been pressed into a thin line of sadness, now curled into a snarl, baring his teeth slightly in a display of raw anger. His eyes, once reflective pools of sorrow, now burned with an icy, unyielding rage.
They seemed to darken, a storm brewing within them that promised retribution.
His whole posture changed;  he had been slumped in sorrow before but he now stood rigid, every muscle tensed and ready for action.
His hands, which had been hanging limply by his sides, now balled into fists, knuckles white from the pressure.Yibo knew exactly what the alarm meant, a burning desire to confront and deal with the one who did that aroused.
The switch from grief to anger was instant and absolute, showcasing the dangerous volatility of his emotions and his readiness to take swift, decisive action. He stood up and went out of the room to see the loser that thought he would get out of his grasp.

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