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Annyeong!! Annyeong!!!🫠🫠🫠

Restday here... so maybe hmmm😅



--Themyscira is a homogeneous nation of women governed by Aphrodite's Law, which declared that the Amazons would be immortal as long as no man sets foot on their island. Men are banned from Themyscira under penalty of death.

-I continue to flip the pages as I am very amaze of this history.. can this even be possible? a land without any man... then how they can reproduce?.. my question have answered on the next page that I'm reading...

-In one of the newer versions of the Wonder Woman story when men you land they would get women to have children with them. The males were killed and if a male child was born he was thrown into the sea. However the God of fire Hephaestus would take pity on them and rescue them to work in his foundry and forges..

-I pity those men who will only be used for them to multiply... one of the reason why I am so invested with this stuff is also because of my situation.. a very rare case that I still can't comprehend why for over three billion people in this planet and I'm one of the unlucky that have this curse..


-- taking me back from reality.. I hover my head and saw my cousin walking towards me..

SORN: hey! I've been looking for you...

LISA: I've been here.. what is it?

SORN: nothing much- but hey, have you heard our school trip will be at new zealand... isnt it great!!

LISA: hmm .. I read it somewhere that, that country is an amazon basin.. in fact there are still some living cannibals there..

SORN: amazons and cannibals?? Psshhhh.. where did you read that?? I'm sure that was just a myth to gain attention .. don't tell me you're scared?

LISA: ofcourse not! I'm just sayi'n

SORN: whatever.. anyway .. are coming to rose party later?

LISA: I'm not sure...

SORN: why?

LISA: chan will be there..

SORN: so~~? Rose even asked me to make sure you'll come.. I'm telling you she's down bad for you..

LISA: chan like's her sorn....

SORN: I know, but all people is aware aswell that rose likes you! Not him..

LISA: (sigh) I just don't want trouble..

SORN: if the girl don't like him.. its not your fault okay!! Stop depending your actions to you're A-hole step brother!  I will pick you up later so you better prepare , do you understand?

LISA: sorn~~~

SORN: its final.. (sigh) are you leaving with me?

LISA: I'm assigned to close the library..

SORN: okay.. I'll be leaving then.. see you later..

-- she kiss my cheeks and walk away... I wish I also have string spirit like her...

--chan is my step brother.. I met him when I was 13, we actually was very close back then.. thats the reason he knows my secret.. but he started to hate me when were at our fisrt year in senior high.. thats when he met rose.. he was so excited telling me that he will do anything to impress her and make her his girlfriend.. but he doesn't know that even before they met rose already confessed to me..

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