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Outside the camp ground, the nobles all feast with indistinct chatter and merry. Princess Rheanyra stormed out of the pavillon furious, needing some fresh air to breathe, ridding her mind of the resentful thoughts.

She needed to get away from here, from her family, just like Daemon did a long time ago, even if the King banished him, she wished to....just disappear. Especially from her uncle and his wife, both trying to arrange betrothals against her wishes.

Servants nearby roasted pigs on a spit over one of the makeshift firepits, while others courtiers gossiped amongst themselves. The princess's expression softens when nobles come to greets her wholesomely, including Lord Jason Lannister.

"I wonder, Princess..." He approached. "Was your own second name day as grand as this?" He remarked.

"I honestly don't recall and neither will Aegon." Rheanyra feigned a smile. "I don't think we've been properly introduced." she glared at his arrogant face.

"Pardon my manners. I don't know, if you remember me, I'm Lord Jason Lannister of Casterly Rock. Lord Paramounts of the Westerlands and Warden of the West. We meet during your uncle's wedding to Queen Alicent..... four years ago." He curtly bows.

"Oh. Did we?" Rheanyra says breezily. "I gathered that from all the lions." she remarks.

Lord Jason smiles with a hint of a pompous nature, as he poured honey wine in two cup.

"Your twin serves on my father's council." Rheanyra counters.

Lord Jason smirks, offering Rheanyra a cup of wine. "Tyland is...frightfully dull, gods love him. The finest honeyed wine you'll ever taste. Made in Lannisport, of course." He boasted.

Rheanyra begrudgingly accepted the cup, but kept a composed visage. "Of course." she slowly took a sip

Lord Jason overlooks the camp and exhale. "Ah, the Kingswood, it's fine hunting ground.
But the best sport is to be found at Casterly Rock, near my home. Have you been?" He asks.

"Um, once... on tour with my mother when I was young, and honestly can't recall much of that either." Rheanyra remarked.

"Wonderful! I imagined things have grown frightfully dully these days." Lord Jason smirks.

Rheanyra quietly sips the bitter honey wine.

Lord Jason directs her vision to visualize a reality, aiming to win the princess's heart. "The Rock is thrice the height of the Hightower in Oldtown, taller still than the Wall in the north. It's been said that if one were to stand in the tower...on a perfect day, one could see clear across the Sunset Sea.

"It must be quite something." Rheanyra cringed dryly.

Lord Jason is now staring down at her behind, imagining the princess naked on his gold sheets at Casterly Rock. "Hm, I don't have a Dragonpit, of course, but...I do have the means and resources to build one." He boasted, licking his lips.

"Excuse me?" Rheanyra turns to him, confused. "Why would you need a Dragonpit?"

"To house dragons, of course. I'd do anything for my princess...or... lady wife." He mused, leaning in.

Rheanyra smiles sweetly. "Thank you for the wine." She politely handed back the cup forcibly into Lord Jason's hand, and went back into the pavilion to confront her uncle, she is not going to allow him sell her off.

Smacking his lips, Lord Jason stares at the princess's bum, watching her go, the gold haired Lannisters sighs, and empties the cups in his hands, retiring to join his household.

The King meets the seductive teal blue gaze of Lady Charlotte Hightower, as she brings her goblet to her lips, trailing her tongue on the tip seductively, instantly his mind drifted back to time when she worshiped him, on her knees. Both of them briefly sharing a glance from far. Lust.

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