Velvet Lips -- Part 4

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I met Rohit again in September. A month after our adventures in Jordan. This time in Jaipur, Rajasthan. 'Meeting' would be an incorrect term to describe our reunion. I literally bumped into Him.

After returning from Jordan with a heavy heart, I went to attend a friend's birthday party in Jaipur. Instead of returning home after it was over, I decided to spend 2 days and nights at my favourite place in Jaipur - The Tree House Resort. To heal my broken heart.

It is located just 30 km outside Jaipur. I was booking a cab from there to go to The Tree House when a familiar voice from behind stopped me on my tracks.

"Miss Velvet Lips!"

I could not believe my ears. I turned around in a fraction of a second and could not believe my eyes either. There He was, standing a few feet away, with a suitcase and a laptop bag. Wearing His trademark Oakley shades and a Rolex wristwatch.

"Rohit! You here?" I was as overjoyed as I was surprised. "How come?"

"Well, you did inform me that you were going to Jaipur to attend a friend's birthday party," He flashed His usual smile and walked towards me. "You also told me that today would be the day the party ends. I decided to drop by unannounced."

"Drop by? From Jordan?" I was giggling and blushing at the same time. "To meet me?"

"Why not? The 1st time we met, I gave you a lift. This time you could return the favour," He replied smilingly. "Give me a lift till Delhi."

"Um... I am not returning to Delhi," I hesitated a bit, "not yet. I am going to Nature Farms."

"Where is that?" He frowned.

"Just 30 km from here," I decided to disclose my secret. "My favourite holiday resort is located there."

"Nature Farms? That's your favourite holiday destination?" He seemed a bit surprised.

"No. Nature Farms is the name of the property. 300 acres of forest land. Located inside Nature Farms is my favourite place - The Tree House Resort," I explained.

"Tree house? You mean houses on trees?" He sounded sceptic.

"Yes, honey. It has wooden cottages built on trees. 20 - 30 feet above the ground," I tried to convince Him. "It's the most peaceful place on earth."

"Really? Never heard of it. Can I accompany you? Would like to see it."

"Seriously? You don't need to be someplace else?" I started giggling again. Rohit was full of surprises.

"My only business here is you," He replied. "You are the reason I have come to Jaipur. If that means I have to stay on trees like a monkey, I will happily do it."

I started laughing, partly at His words, and partly at my good luck. "It's no monkey business. Those are luxury cottages. You will get 5 star facilities over there. Are you serious about coming along with me?"

"Of course, babe," He smiled again. "Let's go."

The moment we sat down in the cab, He grabbed my hand and said, "I missed you. Badly."

"I missed you too," I replied and melted inside. I wanted to hug and kiss Him right there and then. But we were in a cab, so all displays of affection would have to wait.

"How long do you plan to stay there?" He asked.

"2 days at least," I replied and looked Him in the eye.

"2 days all alone? Again?" He took off His sunglasses. "You went to Jordan alone. You are going to this resort alone. Babe, what are you running from?"

"Reality. Pain. Both," I looked away. "You won't understand."

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