Life Goes On

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Riddhima's pov:

Dear diary,

21st August, 2023

Today marks Ansh Bhaiya and Shraddha Bhabhi's 3rd anniversary. It was fun.

Tomorrow, I'll hear back about the research assistant job at the University—a significant opportunity for my resume.

Miss you Maa and Papa, love you.

I closed my diary with a theatrical flourish and snatched my phone, twisting my hair into a haphazard bun. As the beats of "What Jhumka" filled the room through my AirPods, I stretched in my chair like a rockstar basking in the limelight.

Suddenly, the door swung open.

"Riddhi, you still haven't touched your milk," Chachi's voice broke through my musical reverie, bringing a smile to my face.

Taking the glass from her outstretched hand, I sat upright. She pulled up a chair beside me, her eyes shimmering with anticipation. "Results are tomorrow, right?" she asked eagerly.

I nodded vigorously. "Yes, Chachi! I'm feeling good about it. I mean, who wouldn't want this messy bun genius on their team?" I joked, adjusting my bun proudly.

"Don't worry, Riddhi. You've put in the work. They'd be lucky to have you," She reassured me, her hand resting on mine warmly.

"Oh, and speaking of tomorrow, don't forget about your 'date'," she teased, playfully tapping my arm. I rolled my eyes dramatically. "Chachi, it's not a date. It's more like a hostage situation with cold coffee involved. I'm going just to get him off my case," I declared firmly.

She chuckled knowingly. "You're 23 now, Riddhi. It's time to loosen up and give these guys a chance," she advised gently, her tone tinged with maternal wisdom.

"But, all I attract are red flags! Remember that guy who turned out to have two girlfriends?" I protested, making a face. She laughed, her eyes crinkling with amusement. "You're better off without him, beta. Shiv Ji has someone special in mind for you, just be patient," she reassured me, rising to leave.

I sank back into my bed, pulling the duvet snugly around me. "If only Shiv Ji could help me get a job," I muttered to myself, contemplating the uncertainty of my future.

"More than five years since high school, and here I am, still battling through," I mused, staring at the ceiling. "If I get rejected again, I might just become a professional Netflix binger."

With a sigh, I closed my eyes, hoping that tomorrow would bring good news.


"Riddhi, listen, wear this. It will look good on you, and you can pair it with these black pants," Chachi urged, holding up a vibrant blue off-shoulder top. I pouted playfully.

"No, Chachi, blue doesn't suit me," I replied with a shrug, trying to sound indifferent.

After a brief deliberation, I emerged in the hall with my phone and purse. Chachi immediately gave me a once-over, her brow furrowing in concern.

"Riddhi, you're going like this?" she questioned, eyeing my oversized white t-shirt and jeans with a bun secured atop my head. I flashed a confident smile.

"Yeah, doesn't it look fine?" I asked, nonchalantly.

"You look good, but don't you think you should put in a bit more effort, especially for a first date?" she gently prodded.

I approached her, placing my hands on her shoulders with exaggerated patience. "Chachi, I'll put in the effort when I want more dates with the person," I reasoned, eliciting a chuckle from her.

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