[1] Morgi.

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The space train glided through the galaxy, leaving Morgi, sitting by the window, in awe. She'd only been a board member for about a month, but she'd settled in almost immediately. Maybe it's not strange in her case, because the girl's extrovert nature allowed her to quickly acclimatize to the new situation. But the train made a much greater impression on her than anything else. She sat almost the entire "day" admiring the celestial bodies.

Knowing who she was in this large space gave her particular satisfaction. She loved herself because her character allowed her to ally herself with someone who was way above her equal, and thanks to whom she gained power herself.

On her better days, she liked to imagine that she was destroying the planets she could see, even though she knew she wasn't that strong.

Morgi's attention was suddenly drawn to a huge spaceship that the train was approaching. She stretched out a little in the seat to get a better look. The object seemed interesting, especially since she had not encountered such objects. She involuntarily narrowed her eyes, which she always did when she was impressed by something.

– Morgi, what are you doing? – the melodious voice of a friend and traveling companion sounded above the girl's ear.

The girl's body didn't move, she only gave him a side-eye with her eyes. After a while, however, she turned around and grace the interlocutor with a smile.

– God, Mel, look! – she shot her finger towards the large object.

Mel rolled his eyes and laughed. As the brother of the train's owner, such a sight was not unusual for him. But he liked Morgi's enthusiasm for everything new. She always said "God" then, even to him, who could be anything but god. He was even weaker than Morgi. Despite his greater height and claws, he could only boast of physical strength.

- What? – the girl was irritated. – I would like to see it up close.

Mel became serious at these words.

– Do you know this could be dangerous?

– Because? – Morgi raised her eyebrows in contempt. Her expression meant to convey that she was mocking the danger.

– Because we don't know who lives there?

Mel looked out the window to gauge the distance between them and the ship.

– Aaaand? – Morgi's moan was driven by her unbridled confidence in her own strength.

– You know what, it doesn't matter. I'll tell my brother to change the route, said the alien, a little worried. Without waiting for an answer, he moved quickly towards the main carriage. He quickly disappeared behind the door.

Morgi snorted. Ignoring her friend's warnings, she decided to explore the ship herself. She got out of her car and walked towards the exit car. It was the only one that could open anywhere in space, according to the passenger's wishes, without any consequences in the form of damage to the train. Morgi kept forgetting to ask why this one was like that. 

Still mocking Mel under her breath, the girl secured the entrances to the carriage and moved on to the main door. Her blood began to rush like crazy in veins, pumped by the excitement of the announcement of some adventure. Morgi was from Earth, but fortunate fate brought a divine being into her path who turned her life upside down, and one of the most important skills Morgi gained was the ability to survive in cosmic conditions. It was true that it was unimaginably exhausting for her, but half of it was pretending that everything was fine. It's easy to tarnish the proverbial halo off Morgi's head. 

And so she went. She closed the door behind her to go to her desired destination. With a light flight, aided by magic, she finally found herself close to the strange ship. 

Woooah, she whispered to herself, delighted.

Big, powerful and amazing in Morgi's eyes space ship opened stand in front of her. The smile did not leave her face, when she was searching for an entrance. And she finally found it.

It was open, because ship's locators were entering. They were green, humanoid creatures, all looking the same. Aliens looked... like they were hiding an object. Morgi sneaked and stood near the entrance, looking. Maniacal vibe from creatures made her excited and the mystery from a secret thing needed a solution. 

She waited for them to come in and quickly went after them. Leading probably by recklessness, Morgi didn't consider the fact she will be noticed. And... she indeed was. She hit the back of one alien and fell on the ground, causing confusion and mess around green fellas. Numerous pairs of eyes turned to her.

Morgi's heart started to beat even faster, but no because of the fear. When aliens were trying to understand what's going on, their tight crowd thinned out and girl was able to see what are they hiding.

The most amazing view Morgi had seen in her nineteen years old life. 

It was glowing with a tender, lavender light, spreading the aura of something magical. Morgi looked at this totally mesmerized. 

The crown. She wanted that crown. She felt the energy synchronizes with her soul. 

When she reached her hand, all what she heard was a little muted:

– Sykronians, catch her! 


Don't get attached to Mel, he dissapears now. 

I hope I fed you, Morgi fans from server <3

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