Chapter 31 | New Job

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"See you tomorrow at 6 pm, Miss Lancaster."

"Thank you."

*Buzzes buzzes*

I fumble for my phone in my pocket.

It's Catalina.

"Hello?" I accept the call, then press the phone against my ear.

"Girl, meet me outside!"


"What happened?" I question her with furrowed brows after we get out, eyeing her panting frantically like she has just escaped death.

"T- the guy that I found, you know?" She utters, still catching up with her breath.


"It turned out he had a crazy ex-girlfriend, who was stalking him!"

"And I almost got attacked by that crazy bitch when she caught me dancing with him!"

"Jeez..." I grimace my face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine... Just a little... Well... I need some time to recover from all the craziness." She speaks in exertion.

"Well, I guess the mission failed." I add sarcastically, trying to enliven the air.

"Seems like it." She pants.

❁ ❁ ❁


Liam shoots five continuous shots at the target, not flinching once.

Smoke emits from the heating gun barrel as he stops to rest the handgun and headphones on the table.

"Five shots fired, three hit the second ring and two hit the middle one." He analyzes the shots for a moment before turning his head over to Damon, who is having his arms folded, looking inscrutable and cold.

"Let's see what you got." Liam extends his hand, gesturing for him to take the gun.

Liam watches with a raised brow as Damon casually holds the gun in his hand, seeming absorbed in thoughts.

He sighs before lifting the gun up, aiming at the target.

He pulls the trigger and the gun recoils three times, indicating three shots have been fired.

Two of which missed the target, there's only one that penetrated the target, but it missed the rings.

After having taken a slight pause and a deep breath, he fires the last two bullets.

One hit the second ring and the other hit the third ring.

Damon then puts the gun onto the table, noticeably disappointed in himself as he crosses his arms in an upset manner, fixating his gaze upon the gun in disbelief.

Liam's face expresses apparent bewilderment as he only squints his eyes doubtfully staring at the results, not sure when is the right time to say something, or if he should say anything at all.

He stays silent for a short while, staring at Damon.


"Are you okay?" He takes the risk and asks anyway.

❁ ❁ ❁

"No, I'm not okay..." I groan, burying my face into the pillow.

"Aw, girl..."

"It's fine, we can just stay home and chill or something, we don't have to go, you know?" Catalina's soft voice soothes my ears as I feel her hand comfortingly resting on my shoulder.

"This is so humiliating." I roll over so that I'm laying on my back, staring at the ceiling.

Hours later

"Girl, look at these posts..." I wince my face.

"They are already boasting about their clothes, their dates, everything, online." I huff, staring at pictures of students preparing for prom.

"Girl, I told you not to care about that event. We'll be home, remember?" She says as she also glues her eyes to her phone, surfing posts online.

"Hey, I thought we were gonna watch some movie?" I shrug and purse my lips at her.

"Yup, we are, let me finish watching this clip."


What time is it right now-

5:32 pm?

Better get prepared for work then.

❁ ❁ ❁

"Hmm... I mean, it's not that bad." I compliment myself as I look at my reflection in the mirror, eyeing my work uniform that the manager has given me to change in one of the staff changing rooms.

The skirt isn't as short as I imagined it to be, just average, which is good because I'm not looking forward to showing my legs or anything.

I guess that's it. I'm going to be a waitress, at a bar.

Is it um... Weird?

Well, I hope not, I mean... It's just like working at restaurants and stuff, right? The location or type of service doesn't really matter...



"Hi, so... Where do I start and what should I do?" I walk up to the manager in a shy manner.

"Okay, so, take this." He hands me a book and a pen.

"Write down the orders from the customers, then go and give this information to her." He explains, pointing at a direction and I look over to find a woman at the counter.

"The rest will be taken care of by the other staff."

"I'm going to be your supervisor, if you do this well, you will have the job and get paid hourly starting tomorrow, you got it?"

"Yes, sir." I nod.

"Good, so for your first order, go to this room..."


I do as he said and go upstairs, entering a different area, which is more secluded than the main lobby.

There are only a few people here, almost next to nobody presenting in the hall.

Most of whom are waitresses wearing uniforms just like me and the rest are men in elegant suits, looking all rich and high-status.

I wonder what place this is as I stroll across the path in high anticipation, clutching the book timidly in my palms and at the same time trying to relax my muscles, searching for a particular room number.


Ah, seems like this is the room.

I take a deep breath, cooling myself before laying my hand on the door handle.

I use a little force to unlock it as it makes a satisfyingly small clicking sound, leaving a space between the door and the threshold.

I halt and take another deep breath to stabilize myself before taking my very first order in front of strangers.

Oh jeez, I'm shaking.

Come on, girl, come on.

Finally, I have assembled enough strength to do it.

I force the door open, going against my anxiety to reveal several men all wearing suits, sitting and seemingly engrossed in some kind of discussion.

My entrance has gained their attention as the noises commence to sink down, to be taken place by the quietness as everyone gradually turns their focus upon me.

I swiftly put on a courteous smile, glancing at each one of them-

Oh my God-


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