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This was requested by: SweetBeeWasp

/Jasper Nevada/ Autobot Base/ No P.O.V.

As the day grew into the night, and children were at home sleeping. The autobot base was anything but calm and collected.

"BULKHEAD I NEEDED THAT!!" Ratchet yelled throwing a wrench at the green mech's helm. 

For once again, Bulkhead had broken something Ratchet needed, and the doctor threw a wrench, as we all know.

But some parts of the base, were peaceful. Like with a new couple, Bumblebee and Arcee. They were by Cliffjumper's grave, talking to him. Hoping that he's doing alright in the allspark. 

Smokescreen was talking on and on with Optimus, hoping that he would become a warrior.

"So, when do I become a warrior?" He asks excitedly.

"When the time comes." Optimus simply replied.

All this commotion continued, and then came the perfect thing to make every bot besides the couple, and leader 'sane again. A Deception signal, 

"Optimus! An energon mine swarming with Decepticons, there must be something at this certain area!" Ratchet says.

The couple had come back from the top, and Bulkhead was standing behind them. Smokescreen tried to be within the leader's range, but also close enough to his comrades.

"Ratchet activate the groundbridge, and you will be coming with us in case any of us require aid." Optimus says.

"Alright, fine." Ratchet grumbles as he activated the groundbridge.

"Autobots, Roll Out!" Optimus commands.

Energon Mine 

The Autobots arrived at the mine, and had their weapons out. In front of them was Shockwave, Starscream, and Megatron.

"Well Shockwave, it appears that you have some test subjects right here." Starscream grins.

Shockwave activates a device in his servo, and aimed it at the Autobots. He activated the weapon. 

And came a blinding light.

After that, the Autobots were gone.


The Monastery was anything but peaceful, a video game tournament was going on between Cole, Kai, and Jay. While Lloyd, Nya, and Zane just talked to each other and watched the three ninja in the video game. 

And then, came a blinding flash of light from outside. Everyone covered their eyes, and some complained.

"Who is that!?" Kai yells.

When the light was gone, in its place were six giant robots, slowly getting up.

All of the ninja exit the area, and went in front of the Monastery. In an attempt to protect it from the newcomers, they had their elemental energy in their hands. But their eyes were wide from the sight. Large metal robots, some looked friendly, and others looked the opposite

One of the robots saw the six humans, and was startled.

"Woah, woah woah! I didn't think humans could do that!" The white, red, and blue robot said.

"Wait? You can TALK!?" Lloyd exclaims.

"Um, Lloyd. I'm a robot, and I can talk." Zane states.

"Oh, right. Heh heh." Lloyd chuckles.

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