9: Royals

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"I can't believe this! You lied to me, your best friend?"

Fabienne paced back and forth in the lavish living room of the second princess of the Denmark Monarchy.

She knows she lives in a pricey condominium so she knows she is rich but never did it cross her mind that she is a royalty.

"Hmm." The drunk Anntonia could only hum as her response. After the incident, her security detail insisted she stay at her family's estate in the country for the time-being to prepare for the gala.

Also, her parents are arriving shortly. It would be best to let her rest and sober up in time for their arrival.

Gregory parted ways outside the club while Fabienne is stuck with Anntonia since the latter insisted she stay with her to tell her everything.


Fabienne shook the dozed off woman on the couch but it seems she's already knocked out.

"Fine," Fabienne grunts, "Please do tell her to call me once the gala is finished."

The supposed butler replies, "Very well Miss. I will inform the Princess about your demand when the time is due." He bowed at her and it made Fabienne feel embarrassed.

She is not used to this kind of treatment. What exactly did she do in her past life to deserve such a best friend. Like come on, she's friends with a royalty?

She opted to call a cab but the butler insisted the driver take her home. Who is she to refuse?

"Is she gone?" Anntonia opened her left eye to take a peek and was relieved when she saw no one left except Butler Tim.

"She's currently on the driveway, perhaps you want to talk to her now?" He threatens to go and call Fabienne. It is his retaliation for her Highness' stubbornness in the club earlier.

"Stop! You don't know how she is when she's pissed. At least give me a day to prepare for her wrath."

"Hmm. I think you're being forgetful, your Highness. I believe you planned to keep your status a secret when you entered university. Now, if you haven't drank a high amount of alcohol then the plan should not have failed."

Anntonia groans, hitting her head on the cushion to reprimand herself of her stupidity. "You should have intervened before I acted stupidly."

"Uhm your Highness, I think you already forgot but prior to your scene you warned us not to stop you unless you're being harmed."

The princess sighs, "I give up. I'm gonna sleep now, wake me up when mom and dad arrives."

She stood up and made her way upstairs, dismissing Butler Tim.

"Princess, don't forget to shower and change your clothes. Remember, you reek of alcohol!" He managed to remind her before she disappeared from his view.

Butler Tim sighs, this is his first time meeting the Princess after she left Denmark and she is already getting troublesome. Almost four years have already gone by and yet she has no plans of returning.

His thought were interrupted by Donovan, the head of security responsible for her Highness. They came together to Thailand to overlook Anntonia's preparations for the most-awaited annual gala hosted by the King of Thailand. Royalties from all over the world are duly invited.

"The Princess's friend is being escorted home by Nigel. Has the Princess retreated to her room already?"

"Yes. Please do wake her up when the King and Queen arrives."

"Will do."

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"How are you holding up? Again, thank you for accepting my offer on short notice."

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