| chapter 2 |

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Skyler's POV
I prepared for the worst. As I opened my eyes slowly, the sunshine rays beamed through the windows and into my eyes. Nearly blinded, I cautiously tried to look around the room that I am captured in. As my vision clears, I got a sense of what is on the room. Empty and dull. I glanced at the window, where the light has streamed in. As I observed the outside world, footsteps echoed through the institute. In horror and fear, I tried to get up and move around, just realising I was locked up in chains. I heard the rattling of the keys, and the door swung fully open.

"Well, look what we have here. A young, pretty lady. Skyler," he said, looking at me through the eyes, grinning, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just have to keep you safe, because the outside world is dangerous to you."

He had an evil smirk to his face. He ran his cold fingers through my cheeks. I hastily moved my face away from his fingers. Shuddering, I tried to break free from these chains that kept me hostage.

"Why won't you tell me anything? Why don't you just let me go home?!" I shouted angrily, as I could feel tears about to roll down my cheeks. His smile disappeared. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"You don't know a lot about yourself, Skyler. All of your life, it's all a lit-"

"I know everything about myself and my life! And you don't! You're a little liar! A tricker!" I shouted, interrupting him again. He glared at me with his dark blue eyes.

"Skyler, oh sweetie, you sure have a habit of interrupting people don't you? I know why, you're scared,"

"I'm not scared, you little liar," I whispered under my breath.

"I told you to watch out, and yet you didn't. Silly girl. I know everything of who you are Skyler." He said, sitting down at a nearby chair and looking at me.

I stared at him in disbelief. How could've all my life a lie?

"You're looking into me in disbelief, aren't you?" He smirked.

"Who are you?!" I shouted at him, causing him to lean back, astonished. "How do you know everything about me?" I whispered, looking onto my hands, crying.

His mood changed instantly. He looked at me and took a step towards me.

"Look Skyler, don't be afraid, because I won't hurt you. You don't have to trust anyone else, but you need to trust me. And why do I know everything about you, that's because we are both related in some ways." He said, reassuringly, moving more closer to me.

"No! No! We can't be related! You're just a liar!" I shouted directly back at him.

He walked around the room, and grabbed a rose from a vase at a nearby coffee table. He smelled it, and returned to where it belonged. He then went to the cupboard, and looked at his own reflection.

"Why are you holding me as hostage?"

Funnily enough, he didn't reply to me. He walked towards me and sat down in front of me, looking into my eyes.

"Look Skyler, you belong here now, and you're not going anywhere," he sighed. As he stood up, he looked back at me, before searching through his keys and unlocking the door.

"No! You cannot leave me here alone! Someone, help me please! Help!" I screamed all my lungs out. He then made a quick look at me.

"Scream all you want, silly girl. Nobody can hear you," he smirked evilly, then walked out, closing the door behind him.

I glared at him. How can I get out of this place alive? I started screaming my lungs out. He opened the door and looked back at me.

"This will keep you silent for a while. Good luck Skyler."

He took a round object from his jacket pocket.

"Good night."

He pulled the ring from the object as smoke started spewing out. He gently tossed it in the room. As I heard the keys lock up the room, smoke started filling up the room. I screamed as loud as I can, but the words kept over and over in my head. Nobody can hear you.

As the smoke started to spread across the room and towards me, my eyelids felt heavy. My head started to get dizzy, the world started spinning faster than ever. As more and more smoke went inside my lungs, I started losing air. I started to cough uncontrollably, gasping for air. I could see darkness fading into me. I fought to stay alive. My vision started to blur as I began to lose consciousness. With one last gasp for air, I just let it all overtake me.



I gasped for air. I desperately needed air. Breathing is now a problem for me, as I was slowly losing air.

"Well look who's awake."

I turned around dramatically. I saw him, sitting down casually, smirking. Doesn't he realise that I'm dying? I coughed twice before he stood up and walked towards me.

"Oh poor Skyler, needing to go through this experience," he scoffed.

I looked at him in hate and anger, my eyes glaring at him. I looked down, seeing myself locked up on a chair. The edges of each handcuff have made an incision into my skin. I struggled to break free out of the handcuffs and chains restraining me.

"Struggle all you want, you're never getting out of those sweetie." He smirked again and let out an evil chuckle.

He walked up and sat in front of me. The light above me that barely lit now reveals his face, as of before I couldn't see his face because I never got a proper look at him. He looks about a year older than me, He was wearing a black blazer with a red tie. His eyes looked straight into mine.

"What do you want to do with me?"

He just replied with a chuckle. I stared at him. I noticed a faint scar running through his right jaw, where it haven't been completely healed. I was just staring at him when two knocks are to be heard at the door. He went up to it and opened it casually. Outside was another man using a tuxedo with a letter in his hand.

"I've got a letter for you, sir," the man said, handing a letter. He grabbed the piece of paper and nodded.

As he was reading it, he cleared his throat and got up to speak to the person outside. He had a little conversation with him before looking back at me. He stared at me before saying thank you and closing the door been doing him.

"Come with me, someone needs to see you," he said, walking towards me and grabbing his keys. He rattled around finding the right key to unlock these handcuffs and locks.

One by one, he unlocked me towards freedom. For every chain that got unlocked, I felt less strain on me. Once I was fully free, I stood up and took a bit of a stretch, and walked around. He grabbed my arm and walked me out. Outside, it was completely different from the room I was kept hostage. It was beautiful. The sun rays beamed through these glass window, brightening up the hallway. One end of the hallway was a beautiful statue of a wolf, the other was a wooden door, supposedly a room. It was a large hallway, the paintings of nature hung up on the wall.

As I was gazing the sight, the man pulled me harshly, walking into a dark place with a wooden door. He knocked thrice before the keys unlocked. Inside stood a dark-suited person, with a dark hat on. He stood right in front of his desk, looking straight at me.

"Go, he needs to talk to you. Don't be afraid" the person beside me whispered.

He gave me a gentle nudge before closing the door behind me. I gulped, seeing how big this person was. I observed his name tag, embossed beautifully was the name: Odysseus

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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