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      As a kid I always dreamed of being a barista. I have zero clue why I glorified it so much back then, because now I'm here... and it's absolutely awful. I don't think there's any worse job; getting paid minimum wage and going "home", although 99% of the time it feels the complete opposite, to my shared apartment with my party-goer cousin Gloria, exhausted, is not exactly my cup of tea. Gloria has been living with me for the past 3 years, or since I graduated high school, because she got rewarded the prize of house arrest for doing illegal drugs at a party in L.A., and she didn't exactly have a house to be under arrest in. Gloria is the reason I wasn't able to apply for college, I'm so pissed at myself for not just speaking up... I've always been a people pleaser, so that should explain why I was such a pussy about it. Honestly, if I were to choose to stay at work all night or to go back home, I would choose to stay at work because at least I get to stare at Christian Grey and those beautiful eyes of his on the tv all day long. God, anyone that DOESN'T want to fuck that man must be out of their mind!

      When I first saw Christian Grey, it was like trying alcohol for the first time. First, you wonder why everyone loves it so much, then it hits you like a big yellow school bus speeding down an empty highway. Everything about him is perfect; his short, dark copper, loosely curled hair, his broad shoulders, his grey eyes, his height, everything. Every time I see him, I have to observe everything about him; that suit fits him just right, that grey tie goes well with his perfect eyes, etc. I probably shouldn't obsess over him this much, I'm just a girl from Vancouver that works in a coffee shop, barely getting by. Who knows, "miracles always happen"! Meh, who am I kidding? A girl like me could never even be in the same room with that fine man without melting into a puddle on the floor nobody bats an eye towards.

      "Excuse me? Is anyone working?" a customer shouts at the front desk of the coffee shop, without any response.

      "Shit!" I mumble, realizing I got lost in the impeccable eyes of Mr. Christian Grey. "Sorry, I will be right with you miss!" I shout as I run over to the front desk to take her questionably large order. the woman was wearing very professional clothes, such as a black and white striped blouse, winged sunglasses, and a very snug black maxi skirt with the left side slit open. "That's quite the outfit for a coffee shop in Vancouver; where are you headed?" I ask the woman. I assumed she was on the way to work, or possibly an event, but I figured I'd ask. The very annoyed woman points the microphone of her phone away from her mouth so she can respond.

      "I am on my way to a business meeting with Mr. Christian Grey." The woman replies with a very old fashioned, prestigious tone. "Please, hurry it up, I have more important places to be." the woman adds on, exaggerating the word "important"  implying her role as coffee-picker-upper is more important than my role, coffee-MAKER. 

      My eyes widen as I realize something. This coffee I'm making... is on its way... to CHRISTIAN GREY! I quite literally have nothing to loose, so, I shoot my shot. I write my phone number and name on the cup of the ONE black coffee that was ordered; I assumed it was his because he seems like a very serious, straight-forward man, and that's exactly what black coffee gives off. I cross my fingers under the table before I hand off the tray of coffees to the very intimidating woman, still quietly bickering over the phone.

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