An Old Foe

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A yawn escape Tempest as her hooves walk at a regular pace through the streets of Canterlot. She can see many of the Storm Guard apes moving out of the way for her and the precious cargo she had just capture a few hours ago. And their were surprisingly some batponys giving their Unicorn commander salutes as she pass by while telling them 'at ease'.

Yup, that's right, Batponies aka Thestrals. Nocturnal creature of Ponykind that were known to be out at night and isolated from their other pony counterparts even being seen as second rate from the Unicorn, Pegasus and Earth pony tribes. After two major wars that happen a millennium plus centuries ago, the entire Batpony population were rejected completely by the Three tribes including the High Nobility of that era. Seeing no other option and not being welcome, the entire Batpony population left Equestria in droves with some clans staying behind to create their own Colonies on Equestrian soil while the majority of the population scatter to the rest of the world creating their own colonies on other continents and even seizing up major parts of territories on those continents for their clans and building up major towns and cities over those centuries.

Tempest herself would definitely read up more on the thestral batpony species once she got back, for they've definitely been a big help to her during this invasion.

Also, it had been one little crazy hunting expedition for her in going after the Princess of Friendship. Who knew one Alicorn princess would cause her so much trouble, but without her friends backing her up this time she's all alone and everypony of Canterlot will finally see their last hope is gone.

And for once in Tempest life everything is going right for her. Soon she'll have what she been longing for and at long last she can finally show everypony and creature in her Army what she could really do.

Looking over shoulder she saw the Princess of Friendship look completely defeated like she has given up hope since she's seeing all of Canterlot citizens in cages.

"Well Princess, what were you expecting to happen? Save the day as always? Get praise by the other princesses? Have some kind of Miracle come and save you so you could defeat the villain of this little adventure?"

Looking back ahead a smirk form on her lips, just seeing the Princess of Friendship look on her face felt so priceless thus proving the lavender Alicorn had indeed fail her duty at friendship.

She could even tell the two ponies pulling the wagon with the lavender Alicorn all cage up felt hopeless they couldn't do anything to save their princess. It didn't bother Tempest though, she just wants her prize that's all she wants.

It's part of the reason the invasion of Equestria was approve. It had to be approve. She wanted it to be approve. And after lots of negotiating, arguing and getting some backlash and major support from the Thestral colonies that were in the army, it been finalize by her superior leader who had agree with her from the start but had secretly hope the Thestral Colonies armies would join the invasion.

After clearing the city streets and walking up the road leading to the castle plaza, Tempest looks around abit at some of the stone structures that were topple over from the first day she and her army had arrive in the middle of a big festival.

She never knew what the festival was about but it didn't bother her cause now Canterlot is under her army control for the time being until everything wrap up.

"I'm almost there, I'll finally get my life back and together, the two of us will be ruling our industrial empire together and I'll rule it by her side"

Upon heading up towards the castle entrance with the cargo Tempest look up towards the balcony and notice a dark hooded cloak figure, wearing a silver mask with cyan glowing eye sockets, staring down at them.

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