Chapter 14: The Homeless Shelter

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Kastali Dun

Merrian cringed at the sight of her hem, stained with mud. Ordinarily, there would be no saving this gown. But nothing about her life was ordinary. Hopefully, her spriten handmaidens had some form of magic capable of restoring it—she'd certainly never been proficient with cleaning cantrips—otherwise, she hoped it wasn't one of Claire's favorites.

The city's streets were always filthy, but especially today, after two days of rain. The sun was finally shining. She intended to take full advantage of the day. Especially since she finally had some free time away from her new duties as queen.

She paused, lifting her face skyward. She took a deep breath. The air was briny and fresh, with only a hint of mildew, and very little of the usual stench. Life in the keep was stuffy. She'd never realized how much until recently.

She sloshed through another puddle, her boots squelching in the mud. She had tried hiking up her skirts, she really had, but she'd since given up. Besides, wasn't a queen above such things? She had fifty gowns, at least—no, even more. Surely someone in her position wouldn't care.

"Your Majesty," Dallin warned, a hint of exasperation in his voice. He always said it that way. Their little joke. "Are you sure you know where you're going?"

Passers by gawked, scrambling out of their way. It was impossible to go unnoticed with such an entourage. Not only was Dallin with her, but an entire regiment of spriten guards trailed in her wake.

"I know exactly where I'm going," she announced. "Follow me."

They rounded a corner, trudging deeper into the city's depths. The back alleys of Kastali Dun were a maze—one she'd memorized years ago. A nondescript door came into view. She couldn't help her smile.

Behind her, Feowen muttered something under his breath. She didn't care to listen. Instead, she knocked.

There was a pause, then the door swung open and a harried looking middled aged woman answered. Her face had laugh lines, the skin aging. Her hair was hidden beneath a kerchief. The woman looked at her first with annoyance, then with wide eyes as she realized who stood on her doorstep. "Your...Your Majesty," she sputtered.

Mer ignored the pinch in her chest. It was a very different greeting than what she was used to from Glenna. Normally, they'd be hugging already.

"Hello, Miss Surati." Glenna's eyes widened in surprise. Mer forged ahead. "I had a couple of hours free, and have come to assist in any way necessary."

Glenna Surati operated a homeless shelter on the outskirts of the Pauper's District. There were a number of these establishments in this part of the city, but Glenna was one of her favorite people so she'd chosen this as her first stop of the day.

"" Glenna's eyes flitted from her, to her entourage. "But, Your Majesty, surely..."

"I can assure you, I have nothing more pressing at the moment. Please, I know you have need of assistance, both healing and...otherwise."

Glenna cleared her throat, rubbing a hand over her collarbone. "Very well then, this is all very untoward."

"Certainly," Mer nodded, her expression solemn.

"I must warn you, our house isn't...isn't fit for someone in your...position."

"Miss Surati, you forget that before I came to Dragonwall, I was an outsider, and even after I arrived, I took on the role of a servant, cleaning chambers and such."

"Yes, but...but servant work in the keep is a far cry from the likes of us!" Glenna snapped, then blanched. "Forgive me, I did not meant to be so forward."

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