Better Than Revenge

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Better Than Revenge


Just hearing that one word, Annie would already flinch. Every time she would pass the hallways of their school, she would hear whispers and would usually get millions of intent stares. Monster, bully, bitch, slut, those words are thrown square to her face every day and she couldn't do anything to wipe it off.

Shrugging off every little piece of word she heard, Annie made her way out of the school campus. She had enough of those who did nothing but put their ears to someone else's life.

She couldn't blame them though for saying those things. She knew what she had done and she also knew she can't change any of it. If only she could bring back time ..

Annie closed her eyes and felt the cool breeze of the place surround her. She just arrived to her so called sanctuary not so far from school but definitely not too near for other to come there.

She ran to the grassy land like a child and lay down. She closed her eyes again, forgetting all those memories and faces of people who mentally torture her precious brain cells every day. This is the only place where she can embrace herself more, specifically her new self.

She want to show everybody that this is the new and real her, the Annie that loves to make friends, the Annie who never bullies anyone, the Annie who is an achiever in class, the-


Hearing that voice, Annie abruptly sit up causing her head to bump unto that person's head also.

"Oww .."

"What the f*ck!!! Arlert??!! What are you doing here??!!"

"I was going to ask you the same question."

Armin continued to rub his swollen forehead, whereas Annie who just shrugged and looked away with a very visible blush spread across her face.

"Hey Annie, why are you-"

"Shut up. I'm not blushing." She said in a tone that made Armin flinch and chose to keep quiet if he still wants to see tomorrow's daylight.

Why the hell am I blushing anyway?! Annie thought to herself.

For a few minutes, they just sit there, aware but ignoring each other's presence until Annie decided to break the silence.

"Do it."


Armin squint his eyes, indicating he is confused. What does she mean by that??

"Do I really have to repeat that??"

"You don't have to repeat it. But the problem is, I don't understand what do you mean-"

"Do everything you want. I knew you followed me here, to take revenge on what I did to you and your friends."

Armin didn't say anything and this annoyed Annie even more.

"Come on, do-"

Annie was cut off by something soft placed on her lips. She was silenced by Armin, himself. With a kiss.

Her mind was a blur. Her stomach was filled with butterflies and her heartbeat was racing. She didn't know what to do. Should I kiss back?? How do you even kiss back?? Wait, why did he kissed me?? Is this some kind of joke??

Before she could respond, Armin pulled away with a sigh but still kept his face dangerously close to hers.

"I love you."

Annie's eyes widened in shock. She couldn't believe what she had just heard from him. Of course, who would believe something like this?? Somebody you bullied and tortured before just confessed that he loves you.

"If this is your revenge Ar-"

"I'm not taking revenge on you Annie. Sure, you did a lot of things to us, but that doesn't mean we can't forgive you. And that doesn't stop me from loving you."

Annie looked down. She was particularly ashamed. They forgave her even though she did a lot of bad things to them. And this guy in front of her actually loves her despite all of her flaws.

"I-I love you, too, Armin."

"What?? I can't hear you." Armin teased which made her annoyed again.

"I said-"

Before she could finish, Armin kissed her again with a kiss full of love which she gladly returned.

This guy really loves cutting me off.


Yahoo!!!! Hahaha Hey guys! It's me, Mizu. Thank you so much for reading this story of mine. And for you also to know, I'm going to give facts about me and this story.

1. This is my first English story and fanfic.

2. English is not my native language so I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.

3. AruAni or Armin x Annie is my OTP in SnK so if you don't ship them, I also apologize that you have to read this. xD LOL

4. Lastly, I promise I'm going to improve next time. ToT

If you have any suggestions of request, your free to send me a private message, post on my message board or comment here. :)

P.S. Please do read The Lost Heir ^^

Better Than Revenge [Armin Arlert x Annie Leonhardt]Where stories live. Discover now