Chapter 9

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Three months had passed since the opening of his gallery and everything that had happened afterwards. This last month Wei Ying had been feeling under the weather really. He is feeling more worn out and tired that even Lan Zhan had notice it. That's why he is currently sitting at the doctors office which is not Wen Qing thank god. He does not have the strength or energy to listen to her scolding him and telling him to take better care of himself.

He does take care of himself thank you very much. When you married to Lan Zhan well he will make sure that Wei Ying does not skip any meals and don't forget his extended family members. The other thing is that Lan Zhan won't let him go anywhere alone anymore not even to the gallery he always have someone with him not that he is complaining but damn a man needs a breather and that's why he had slipped out of the house and took a cab to gusu private hospital.

He just need some alone time and he just need some him time really. He knows Lan Zhan is going to be so angry with him but right now he does not care because he feels like a prisoner sometimes with everyone always hovering over him as if he can't look after himself. Wei Ying right now is seated in the doctors office alone.

"Mr. Lan can you tell what's wrong so that I can have a better understanding on how to help you?."

The doctor told him. The man have a soft and encouraging smile on his face as he spoke softly. The doctor could probably see how anxious he is. Really he does not like doctors at all but he needs to know what is wrong.

"Well doctor these last months or so I have been feeling quite tired and a bit under the weather. I also have been throwing up everything I consumed and have been sleeping more than I usually do."

Wei Ying answered in a low voice as the doctor wrote down something on his note pad in front of him.

"Anything else you can tell me. Is it something specific that makes you throw up?. Another than throwing up and sleeping more than you should us there anything else?."

The doctor asked in that same soft and caring voice and Wei Ying shrugged his shoulders and thought for a minute before he answers.

"I have been experiencing heartburn whenever I eat spicy food."

The doctor makes a hmm sound and Wei Ying did not know what that's supposed to mean to he continued.

"Doctor should knows that I love spicy food. The spicier the better. Other than the trowing up and feeling extremely tired... oh I have been having this bloated feeling as if I am constipated but I not really. Yeah I think that's it doctor. "

Wei Ying said and the doctor looked up from his writing pad and looked at him.

"Well Mr. Lan to get a beter understanding I would like to draw some blood and run some test. I do not wish to speculate on anything not until we get the blood results back. It seems that it might not be anything serious but like I said I do not wish to speculate. We will do an ultra sound to see if their is not any blockage within your colon or any of your intestines."

The doctor explained to him and Wei Ying bit his lower lip anxiously.

"There is nothing to worry about Mr. Lan I would just like to cover all our basis. I will call the nurse so she can draw some blood and then we will do the scan."

The doctor told him and trying to soothe Wei Ying when he saw how nervous he was. Wei Ying nodded his head and the doctor picked up the phone and call for the nurse. The nurse came inside and she and Wei Ying left. After she draw his blood for vails she took him to an examination room and told him to get undress and lay down on the bed. Not long the doctor arrived and gave him a reassuring smile before he before he started his examination.

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