I was at a party with my friends and we were having a blast dancing and then my friend told me that there were gifts for all of the guests so I went to the gift table and they had candy, necklaces, sunglasses, and cigarettes. There were four packs of cigarettes and they were the red Marlboro lites I think. I took all four packs and then hid around the party weirdly. Then, someone came up to me and asked what happened to their pack of cigarettes and I said "I don't know, why are you accusing me?" And they were like I'm nit, I was just asking around but now I'm suspicious of you. Then, my friends came up to us and yelled at the guy for accusing me and he just walked away. Then, we left because we weren't gonna be accused any longer. We all ended up getting a pack of the cigarettes so I think I was doing an inside mission for the friend group.