Misplaced..(prt 1)

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Heyo!! This will only be two chapters. Another AI RP story. I will link the picrew links at the end of this!!. Also this has spanking in it. If you don't like it then no need to read. Have a nice day.. ^^))

The Devil May Cry agency was empty, there was no one else but Dante who was at his desk, with his legs on the table, asleep and waiting for a call and a job to do. Only the noise of music from the jukebox and Dante's snoring could be heard.Dante noticed when he awoke it was quiet. Too quiet to be exact. Currently Nero and Ren(his both adopted teen sons) were at a sleep over. Vinny was missing.. his younger mentally damaged brother. He can't be alone. He's not mentally well to be alone.. he can get hurt or lost.

*Dante's eyes shot open as he realized something was amiss. The agency was too eerily quiet, and his younger brother, Vinny, was nowhere to be found.*

"Damn it, where is he?"

*Dante said to himself and quickly rose from his chair. A mixture of concern and worry etched on his face. He knew Vinny had mental health issues and was prone to getting into trouble when left alone. He had to find him before something bad happened. Dante's mind raced as he began searching the agency, calling out his brother's name, hoping for a response.*

He looked outside and saw Vinny across the street in an alley. Relief washed over him and he went to go get him. However, as he closed the distance between them, he noticed something was off about his brother's stance.

"Vinny, what are you doing out here alone? I told you not to go off without someone, especially at night."

*Dante approached him cautiously, concerned etched on his face as he saw the troubled expression on Vinny's face.
He jumped and whined looking at him. He then pointed at the dead animal and frowned. Dante followed the direction of Vinny's shaky finger, and his eyes landed on the dead animal in the alley. He silently observed it for a moment, then turned his gaze back to his brother. Understanding dawned on Dante's face, realizing he must likely be distressed by the sight of the dead animal.*

"Hey, hey, it's okay, buddy. It's normal.., nothing to be scared of. Come on, let's get you back inside."

*He extended a reassuring hand toward Vinny, his voice gentle and comforting.Vinny fallowed and was quiet.Dante led Vinny back to the Devil May Cry agency, his hand firmly holding onto his brother's arm to guide him. As they entered the familiar surroundings of the agency, Dante gently pulled him toward the worn-out couch nearby.*

"Here, sit."

*He gestured towards the couch, his gaze filled with a mixture of concern and affection for Vinny. He took a seat next to him,Vinny looked at the floor and figited with his cuffs, knowing he was in big trouble.Dante noticed Vinny fidgeting with his cuffs, a clear sign that he knew he was in for a telling off. He let out a slight sigh, his expression filled with a mixture of worry and annoyance.*

"Vinny, what have I told you about going out alone? Especially when it's dark. Damnit, you scared me to death."

*His voice was stern yet gentle, laced with a hint of brotherly frustration.*


Vinny mumbled.

*Dante's expression softened at Vinny's mumbled apology, his annoyance slowly melting away. Despite his earlier frustration, he couldn't stay mad at his brother for long.*

"Yeah, you should be. I was worried sick about you. "

*He wrapped an arm around Vinny's shoulders, drawing him closer, the protective instinct within him kicking in.Vinny remains looking at the floor knowing he'd be punished.. since it was the eighth time. Dante noticed Vinny's continued gaze on the floor, and it only confirmed his suspicions. Eight times. This was the eighth time his brother had defied his warnings and ventured out alone. His frustration returned, his grip on Vinny's shoulder tightening ever so slightly.*

The troublesome woes of my younger brother Vinny...Where stories live. Discover now