Bang Chan ✧ Late Nights

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You both were in the recording studio. After a full day of recording, Bang Chan still felt restless. The monitors, the preamps, even the samplers seemed like empty canvases that needed to be filled with sound. He sighed and glanced around, feeling like there was something missing.

As he glanced over, his gaze met yours. You were sitting calmly next to him with your head tilted towards him and a small, comforting smile on your face. Your intent stare made him feel at ease. You gripped his hand gently, silently reassuring him that you were by his side.

"Hey," you said, breaking the silence. "It's getting late."

He mumbled something in response, but he didn't sound convinced. He shifted in his chair, turning back to the laptop both of them had been poring over for hours. His eyes were clouded, and a crease appeared between his eyebrows as he tried to focus on the task at hand. He opened his mouth to say something but thought better of it, instead pushing himself away from the desk and stretching out his arms with a sigh. It was clear that despite how desperately he wanted to make progress today, he wouldn't be able to accomplish anything without taking some time to regroup.

You watched as he squinted at the screen of his sleek, black laptop. With a wistful smile, you leaned over and suggested, "But before we go, can we just take a break and play something for fun? It doesn't have to be anything official."

He looked up from his computer and regarded you with warm eyes. You felt a shiver run down your spine; his gaze was intense and electric. "Sure," he agreed with a nod.

Bang Chan adjusted the volume on the speakers, and a slow, mellow song filled the air. He began to play the first few notes of the song, and soon you joined in. He glanced around the studio and smiled. This was the moment he'd been waiting for.

The two of you played for what felt like hours; you were lost in each other's presence as his gentle melodies ran through your veins. Your fingers moved along with his, as if they had a mind of their own. You looked up at him and saw that he was smiling too, an expression of pure joy on his face.

He gradually increased the tempo until it was fast-paced enough to be called a jam session. You both moved synonymously together and seemed one with the music as it surged through your bodies. The energy grew stronger as each second passed, feeding off of each other's enthusiasm and love for melody creation.

Your eyes met once more as you closed out with a crash cymbal flourish, signaling the end of a perfect jam session between two kindred musicians. Bang Chan leaned forward and pressed his forehead against yours, sharing this moment before everything would go back to normalcy again—a reminder that no matter how crazy life became in or outside of the recording studio, you could always make time to create beauty through music together.

After the song ended, Bang Chan smiled at you warmly. "Thank you," he said softly. "For today...and for always."

His words caressed your heart like gentle waves crashing against the shoreline. You smiled back at him contentedly—and before either of you could say something else—you leaned forward and captured his lips in a sweet yet passionate kiss that seemed to last forever.

"My pleasure," you whispered, pulling back to gaze into his eyes. It had been such a relief to be able to turn his stress into something creative and enjoyable.

The soft chuckle lingered in the air as he leaned into you. His hair felt like cotton under your fingertips as you ran them through his locks, and you felt him relax into your embrace. He looked up at you with a glimmer of hope, grateful for the brief moment of reprieve from the stormy skies.

You plant a kiss on his forehead before whispering, "Now, come on. Let's go somewhere else and keep singing."

Bang Chan nodded happily, taking your hand in his.

"Wherever you want to go," he said, "I'll follow you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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