Intro: Welcome to Miitopia.

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???: "Ah, Greetings There. I didn't know you were here. Let me introduce myself."

Mint: "My name is Mint, I'm a Traveling Sage. Even though most people call me "The Great Sage." I have to say, I do like that nickname.

Mint: "Now, lets talk about me. I have been traveling Miitopia for 15 years now. I know it seems a long time for anyone else. But to me, i'm just getting Started. I have also faced many trials and challenges in my path with ease. In fact, i have a very Important task now. I have a apprentice, Let's meet him shall we?"

(Mint walks over to another human figure in the distance)

Mint: "Hello my dear apprentice."

???: "Ah! Oh! It's just you Mint..."

Mint: "This here is Ari. He's been my Apprentice for 3 years now. While is still under my care, i do my best to help him out with anything."

Mint: "but anyway, how is your training coming along Ari?"

Ari: "It's going good...I think i got the hang of being more stealthy."

Mint: "Good Work, keep at it okay?"

Ari: "Alright...."

(Ari continues to train)

Mint: "Now then, let's talk about how we met. It was the day the Dark Curse was defeated by the 10 Heroes of Miitopia. I was saved by them after the Dark Curse took control of me. After the battle, they choose to save the Curse. They used the power within them and then, it Manifested into Ari."

Mint: "When i first met him, he was scared. It must of have been traumatizing for him. So, I decided to take him under my wing and make him ready for the world he's about to experience now."

Mint: "I know Ari may be a shy and scared of the wonders and horrors of Miitopia, but he will learn someday to be ready to face them."

Mint: "I would love to chat about this more, but i must return to my task at hand. Until we meet next time."

(End of Intro.)

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