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Word Count: 2105


I clutch either side of my head, not quite understanding how this is possible.

"Is that really you? I'm not hallucinating?" I whisper into the air, trying to test how he can hear me. I know his magic is strong, I just can't believe he's found a way to contact me.

"No, it's really me," he assures me. This doesn't feel like a trick, but I take a few moments to pour over every word, ensuring it's something he would truly say. "Did something happen to you?"

I get up, feeling the need to pace.

"Kyro hit me, but I'm okay," I tell him tentatively.

For a few moments, there's only silence in my mind. I can feel his anger skating down my skin, filling every space in my mind. It puts to rest any concern that this isn't Sire, that this is just a trick set up by Kyro to get information.

"I'm going to kill him," Sire growls in my mind.

"I know." My feet scrape against the stone as I walk back and forth. "What's happening out there?"

While I've been in here, I know they have been figuring out a way to take Kyro down. I just hope no one is going to be sacrificed, and knowing I'm so far away, unable to help them is beyond frustrating.

"Hazel is preparing to harness the magic needed to stop the witches," Sire explains. "I've been devising my own plan."

I chew on my bottom lip. "Which is?"

"I believe I can channel some of my magic into you. If what I've learnt is true, then you can use that magic to take Kyro down at the right moment. It would only need to be enough to hold him until I can kill him," he tells me, sounding a little apprehensive mentioning it.


My eyes widen. The only experience I've ever had with magic in my life has been what I've seen Hazel use. Even so, I never felt like I really understood it.

"It's a lot, I know, and I'm not sure this is entirely safe, but it's the only way I can be sure all our bases are covered," he explains, his uncertainty echoing within the spaces of my mind.

I sit back on the bed, full of nervous energy.

If Sire hinges the entire plan on me, then this might not work. I'm not sure how I can go from knowing nothing about Sire's magic, to controlling enough of it to get Kyro where we need him.

"I wouldn't know the first thing about channelling magic, Sire," I exclaim.

"You wouldn't have to think about the channelling part," he assures me. "It's the using the magic part where you're going to have full control over what I give you."

I brush my hands down my thighs, start to sweat anxiously.

"Magic wielders spend their whole lives trying to master their magic. Chances are I'll only get everyone else hurt." Rubbing my hand down my face, I try to relax the tension knotting in my stomach.

"You won't. Not when it comes down to it," he says. "Magic is powered strongly from emotion. Kyro has locked you up, he's hurt you...when you need to use the magic, I know you'll be able to do it."

I can hear the surety in his voice. He actually believes I can pull this off.

I don't think anyone has ever has as much faith in me as Sire is right now. He's letting me use his powers, and despite knowing himself how hard they are to manage, he's trusting that I have enough strength to do it.

"What happened to wanting to keep me out of this?" I bring up.

"I'm sorry about that. I got in my own head, thinking about all the horrible things Kyro could do to you." Sire pauses for a long moment before his voice in my head softens. "I couldn't bare the thought of never seeing you again."

I lay back on the bed, close my eyes, picturing him next to me, just out of reach, but here.

"Kyro is keeping me alive," I tell him.  "It sounds like he wants me to stay that way, even after he kills you."

Sire's anger shimmers through me again, like I'm a part of him, feeling what he feels, experiencing what he does. This is the mate bond, too, not just the witch one. This is purely between him and I, and no one can use it against us.

"That's not going to happen. But at least you're okay," he exclaims, sounding breathless, even in my mind.

"For now. He's unpredictable."

"He has to be planning something. He knows I'm putting a plan together, which means he has one of his own," Sire says, sounding distracted.

I wonder if Hazel is there with him. I wonder if she is as worried as I am, or if she trusts me to do this as much as I trust her with what she must do.

"It will involve the witches, I'm sure," I say sourly. "It seems like he likes everyone else to do his dirty work."

"Have you heard any discussions?"

"Nothing yet."

He goes silent for a moment, considering something. I let him take his time answering because it comforts me just knowing he's there, that I'm capable of talking to him whenever I please.

Because of whatever magical ward Kyro's witches have put on this place, I'm not feeling his absence as strongly as I should be, but that doesn't mean I don't miss him.

"Well if you do, let me know, okay?" He eventually says.

"Of course..."

"I miss you, Meara," he adds softly, gently. "I can't believe how brave you're being. I couldn't do this without you."

I roll over, hugging my arms around myself. I may not be entirely sure how I'm going to pull this off, but I know I'm going to see him again. I refuse to be without him.

"You'll never have to, okay?" I whisper aloud.

"You should rest. I'm going to work on channelling my magic to you tonight, and it's going to take a lot of your energy," he says, sounding reluctant to leave me.

It's only a matter of time before Kyro comes back, and I know he's going to torment me for attacking him.

"Okay, I'll rest." I only agree because my head is throbbing and I need to ensure I get some amount of sleep before tomorrow.

He disappears for a moment, then suddenly reappears. "Remember, wait until Hazel has nullified the witches powers. Then you can strike."

"Let's just make sure I can actually use these powers first," I remind him.

"I know you'll be able to," he murmurs softly. "I have faith in you."

I smile despite myself, despite all the pain and the doubt. If I can't do this, Sire will be killed, and if anything is going to inspire me to pull this off, it's that.

"I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Of course."

I wait a couple minutes, wondering he will come back, but he doesn't. A cold, vacant feeling hollows out in my stomach in his absence.

There is no way I can just lie here now and try to sleep. I need to do something, get some kind of information.

Standing, I ignore the splitting headache ratcheting up between my temples and pad to the door. I open it a crack, and sure enough, there's no one out there guarding me.

Kyro knows I can't exactly escape from here...

Closing the door silently behind me, I wander out through the narrow cave corridors and toward the main area where all his witches are posted up.

The closer I get, the more voices I can hear. They eventually split off from being an incoherent mass of voices to being decipherable.

"I'm concerned about the witch." It's Kyro talking.

I pause, keeping myself pressed against the stone wall, wary of the witches wandering about. One of them could walk this way and expose me in a moment, but any information I can garner is worth it.

"I doubt she has much power. Not nearly as much as all of us combined," an unfamiliar male voice exclaims. I'm assuming it's one of Kyro's many witches.

"She needs to be killed," he mutters.

I can hear him pacing, although barely. My heart is thundering so loudly it's distracting me. He's talking about Hazel.

"You should have never given an actual antidote."

"I'm trying to get Meara to trust me," Kyro responds irritably. I frown at that, leaning a little closer so I don't miss a single word. "Seeing that look of betrayal on Sire's face again when he realises his mate wants me more than him would be all the revenge I need."

My face screws up in disgust. All those years underground must have made him delusional, because he would have to be to think I would ever trust him over my own mate. Especially within the mere hours left till we meet with Sire tomorrow.

"She won't trust you." The witch voices the obvious, echoing my thoughts.

"She might. I'm planting the seeds of doubt, that her mate was seducing my wife and such things. I'm making her think he loves his power more than her. I can see it working," he explains, a lilt of amusement in his tone.

I roll my eyes. He may have stirred some doubt, but not nearly enough to turn me against my own mate. I have no reason to trust Kyro, and this is cementing that fact.

Of course this is all a game to him, an expertly spun story...

"Don't underestimate the mate bond," the witch warns.

"Whatever," Kyro dismisses. "I know this is going to work. Once I have her on my side, I kill that witch in secret, then torture Sire until he's so weak I can kill him."

I shake my head, anger building up in my core, so deeply, I know Sire will be feeling it, but his voice doesn't echo through my mind.

If Kyro doesn't kill me, he's going to have to wait until Sire is weak enough before he can actually kill him, which could take a significant amount of time.

He must be very sure of his witches....little does he know, Hazel is a bigger threat to them then he may realise.

"We will deal with the witch."

"I'm meeting Sire tomorrow, so prepare now," Kyro orders.

"There is no chance you're going to gain this girl's trust before tomorrow," the witch insists. From the way their voices are travelling, it sounds like Kyro is pacing and the witch is sitting, watching him apprehensively.

"If talking her mate down doesn't work, I'll have to seduce her."

The witch laughs roughly. "Ah, and no one can resist your charms, can they?"

My stomach turns uneasily. I doubt Kyro knows the first thing about seduction. All he knows is force and  control.

"She's just another foolish, naïve girl," he says, arrogance dripping from every word. "Just like my wife was."

I scowl, fighting the urge to walk out and attack him again. I don't have Sire's magic yet, so it would be suicide if I went out there now.

"Let's hope this doesn't end the same way it did with your wife," the witch taunts.

Kyro laughs. "This girl is powerless, both physically and mentally. I will have her on her knees, begging for me in no time."

My teeth grit together so tightly it hurts, but I still remained pressed against the wall.

"Well, it's late. You better get to it."

"Xavier, how would you approach a woman who you just hit?" Kyro asks, his voice silky smooth. My throat immediately dries.

"How did you do it with your wife?" Xavier asks. I can hear the humour in his voice. I hope he suffers the most by having his powers nullified by Hazel.

I can hear the sickening answering smile in Kyro's voice. "Ah, excellent point."

Sensing he's going to come to the room, I quickly run back to the room, armed with enough knowledge to know Kyro can't manipulate me.


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"...I've never had an orgasm before!" I blurt out, backing away a few steps.

He sits up, dark hair ruffled and messy from the fingers I ran through it. His eyes, once wide, slowly darken.

"You what?" He breathes.

~Midika 💜🐼

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~Midika 💜🐼

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