Chapter 13

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"Oh, you're no fun." Amadeus pouted, Emery watching on with a disgusted expression.

"No matter, I have a death to announce to the citizens..." Diamanda trailed off, thinking of what would be an appropriate occasion to do so.

"Do it at the biannual..." the storm deity could not remember the name, "...whatever you call it. Where the royal family addresses the kingdom."

"The Biannual Royal Conference?"

"Yes, that!" The white haired man smiled. "It guarantees that the people don't have to drop whatever they're doing to hear that His Majesty now lurks among the spirits."

Diamanda sighed, already once again fed up with Amadeus. "The conference is next month, not to mention how tacky it would be to announce a death on the day the people are to be updated on the kingdom's economic status." He said.

"Would the death of their ruler not impact the economy?"

The young prince thought about his husband's words for a few moments longer, coming to the conclusion that he was correct but unsure of how to appropriately start the discussion of the topic.

"You could prepare a speech, with my assistance." The prophetic deity interjected.

"When is the last time you have ever been to a social gathering?" His elder retorted, not wanting the man to be alone with his spouse.

"It matters not, what does matter is that I have more experience socially with a diverse audience." Emery responded, a smile now on his face. "I mean no disrespect when I say this, it just seems to be the better option. At the end of the day, however, it is Prince Diamanda's choice."

"Of course you swoop in with 'it is Prince Diamanda's choice' to try and muddle your intentions but I see what you're attempting as clear as day." Amadeus frowned deeply, detaching himself from his husband.

"What do you mean?"

"You want to be alone with Diamanda is all! You got one taste at the beauty that has been divinely crafted for me to protect and you want to take it from me!" White hair seemed suddenly unkempt as he accused, his eyes holding rage and envy.

"You and I may share a bitter history but I assure you that I would never interject myself into your marriage." Emery held his hands up defensively, his expression neutral.

"Prove it."

"You may join us, that is if the prince is willing to listen to either of us." Violet eyes briefly flashed with remorse. "Amadeus, I respect you as my elder and future King Consort of Naiha, but not as an individual. Unless a matter does not pertain to either of those things I will respect your wishes and boundaries around your relationship."

"What about mine?" The blond suddenly spoke. "I understand that you've been addressing my spouse this entire time but the only mention of my choice holding significance was when you mentioned me being willing to listen to either of you."

The two deities before him were silent.

"I do not care if you are the worst of enemies or the best of friends, do not ever speak about me as if I am the most miniscule detail in a bigger equation." Tears began to prick at the corners of his eyes as he continued. "I'm just as important as either of you in this conversation, why do you refuse to include me?"

Diamanda's companions had nothing to say.

"Why?! Am I nothing to you born immortal deities? Is it because I was born a human boy to two human parents?! What is so wrong with me that you ignore me so?!" He shouted, now crying as he held his fists at his sides.

"Diamanda, my dove, we did not mean-"

"You see me the same as Torsten, don't you? An unstable heathen unfit to be king, unfit to do anything right, unfit to call myself a son of Naiha?!"

"Neither of us view you as any of those things. Diamanda, listen to me!" Amadeus matched his spouse's volume, silencing the man by the uncharacteristic use of his name.

"I most certainly do not share an opinion with your uncle, Emery is the same in that sense." The Deity of storms tried to reassure. "If anything, I am the most confident in your capabilities as king, worthy of more than being called a son of Naiha."

The future ruler stared silently, blank expression twisting into anger as he turned and left his elders standing in silence.

"What do you think caused him to lash out?" The brunet asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why do you care?"

The prophetic deity swore in a foreign language under his breath at his elder, fed up at the man's envious tendencies turning to wrath.

"It may come as a surprise to a person like you, but you are not the only one who is concerned about the prince."

"You don't even address him by his name consistently." Amadeus scowled.

"Think what you want to about me, but a word to the wise: calm yourself down before you attempt to comfort your prince, I can tell how much he aches internally."

The younger of the pair took his companion's silence as permission to leave, Xerxes materialising where he once stood.

"What is it?"

"You're more hostile towards me than usual, did the prince finally come to his senses and leave you?" He questioned his father.

"I am not going to be receptive to your 'banter' right now, Xerxes."


His father sighed.

"I am retiring to my chambers for the night, I am tired."

"Do you not share a bed with your husband?" Green eyes glinted with mischief.

"I've always had my own separate quarters, I just never felt the need to use them until now. So please, do be a good son and do not disturb me while I rest."

With those words, the Deity of War was left alone with his thoughts.

He huffed before leaving himself, deciding it would be better to rile up the palace's honoured guest.

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