Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

~Later that night~

Ding ding dong do do! I whisper to myself "whose that?"

"Hey:)" -Reagan

"Who is this?" -Me

"Someone..." -Reagan

"Who is this?!" -Me

"It's Reagan:)" -Reagan

"Oh hey" -Me

"I wanted to know if you were interested in going to a party with me on can bring a friend.:) Want to?:)"-Reagan

Within two seconds I reply.

"Yes" -Me

"Great:) I'll pick you up tomorrow:)"-Reagan

"Okay" -Reagan

I dial Heather's phone number with excitement.

"Hello" she answered

"Guess what? You'll never believe this!" I said

"What what!!??" She said

"Reagan asked me out"

"Yay!:)" she said

"He said I can bring a friend...wanna go?" I asked

"When is it?" She asked

"Tomorrow" I answered

"Yeah sure:)" she said

"Okay:) come to my house tomorrow he will pick us up" I said

"Okay bye:)"she said

"Bye" I replied

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2013 ⏰

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