Name: Alexander Smith
Meaning Of (First) Name : To Defend or Protect
Birthday: August 23rd 1997
Age: 26 yrs old
Zodiac Sign : Virgo
MBTI: ISTJ (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging)
Nationality : British
Height: 5 foot 7 inch
Weight: 118 pounds : 53.5kg
Style: Professional Attire and Comfort
Physical Traits : hazel eye colour, healthy, dark blonde hair, fairskin
Mannerisms: Confidence, Attention to Detail
Job: Lawyer
Food: Burgers
Drink: Coffee/Tea
Colour: Black
Weather: Mild and Breezy
Possession: Photographs/Family Heirlooms
Income: £40,000 to £60,000 annually
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Routine :
1. Wake Up (4am)
2. Hydrate
3. Stretch
4. Shower
5. Breakfast
6. Skin Care
7. Work (7am)
8. Meetings (8am to 12pm)
9. Lunch (12pm to 1pm)
10. Paperwork (1pm to 7pm)
11. Home/Free Time (8pm)
12. Sleep (10pm)
Sleep Habits : Early Riser
Hobbies: DIY Projects, Running & Networking
Special Skills : Legal Research and Analysis
Pet Peeves : Messiness and Punctuality
Bad At : Art
Biggest Fear : Fear Of Being Alone
Greatest Flaw : Workaholism
Goals: Professional Growth, Commitment
Marriage By Deception
RomanceSuccessful and content bachelor, Christopher Smith, a wealthy lawyer, is convinced that a solitary life is the only path he desires. However, familiar pressure mounts as his family incessantly pushes him towards marriage. In an attempt to silence th...