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    1 year ago

The moment Rainbow Dash realized she held affection for her childhood friend came in the most unexpected way. Unexpected and surprisingly...small. The athlete was never one who was known for expressing any romantic feelings. Furthermore- she had never been one to return them for anyone... until now.

Rainbow dash watched in dismay as her best friend bent down to caress her mischievous pet bunny, Angel. The fact that such a small moment could change Dash's perspective in an instant was enough for her to trip and tumble over her words for the next few sentences she uttered. It was just the two of them sitting closely by Fluttershy's bed.

Fluttershy's spaghetti strap gently yet subtly slipped from its original position and hung off her shoulder. Rainbow had always thought Fluttershy was pretty, but she recognized her feelings went beyond simple sexual attraction. It was something deeper that she had not yet faced nor was ready to explore, especially in the presence of her friend. Fluttershy glanced down with wide eyes as it fell, softly muttering a whoops and proceeded to laugh at herself lightly. Her pink hair falling into her eyes as it descended following the strap. Dash didn't know what to think. She was unsure at first what it was she was feeling but somehow she knew everything had changed. Worse yet, she knew nothing could possibly be the same between the two friends.

A voice rang out loud with a twinge of rasp.

"OH RAINBOW DASH?" the voice sang again.

Rainbow Dash groaned. The athlete flipped her body as she forced the pillow she was previously lying on to fit around her head in a failed attempt to block out the sound.

The door swung open and there stood Windy Whistles, Rainbow Dash's rather extraordinary mother who always seemed to remain optimistic in whatever situation she found herself in. Rainbow Dash's good friend Pinkie Pie reminded her of her mother a great deal (which, she supposed was one of the reasons she adored the party girl so much). However, Rainbow was not her biggest fan at the moment. Why her mom was waking her up at this ungodly hour was beyond comprehension. Dash proceeded to stuff the pillow further against each temple.

"Mom! what the-"

Her groggy eyes fixated on the small turtle alarm clock next to her bed. 5:30 am.

"Shoot!" Rainbow's eyes widened.

"It's almost six?" How the heck did I sleep in this long?" Sighing, she propped herself up abruptly. "Thank you for remembering to wake me up incase I...ya know."

Windy beamed. "Don't strain yourself, my love. And take it easy!" She tapped Dash's cheek as she said this which made Rainbow crack a small smile. She mentally kicked herself for not staying on top of her five am run grind.

"No time to chat, gotta dash!" The cyan girl lept out of bed suddenly and grabbed the first pair of sneakers she laid her eyes on. "I'll be back in time for breakfast!"

Rainbow Dash had slept in sweats and a grey crop top with a lightning bolt stitched to the front. Sure, not her ideal outfit for a jog but she was on a tight schedule. She had to be back in enough time to eat, shower, and get ready for school. As Rainbow Dash stepped outside, she breathed in the fresh air. ahh. It was still early enough that she could smell the morning dew that inevitably graced the plants around her. There's nothing in the world that compares to running for Rainbow Dash. She found it eased her mind in ways no living being ever could. (Minus her tortoise of course.)
The feeling freed her. Whenever she had a bad day? Run. Whenever she was excited? Run. When she was her struggling with her sexuality at a young age and felt deeply alone? Run. The sensation in which Rainbow Dash experienced whilst running could only be described as pure serenity. Sometimes the athlete would like to think that her and running had a better relationship than most people her age. This  feeling was entirely decided until the thoughts of her started.

Which Could Mean Nothing (A Flutterdash story)Where stories live. Discover now