Part two

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As she made her way to the park, her thoughts turned to her relationship with Jason. She couldn't help but ponder whether their connection truly qualified as a genuine friendship. Before he joined the football team, they had been part of the same circle of friends for eight years, and she found herself deeply in love with him but struggled to find the right way to convey her feelings. His sudden aloofness had shattered her heart and soul, leaving her to grapple with the painful contrast between his current demeanour compared to the warmth he once showed. Attempting to comprehend the reason behind the disappearance of the deep affection he once felt for her proved futile when he witnessed her friend tenderly squeezing her hand.

While joyfully laughing and chatting with her closest friends, she gently swayed back and forth on the swing in the warm afternoon sun. Suddenly, the sound of a siren pierced the air, and she noticed the flashing blue lights near her house. Panic seized her chest, and she quickly turned and sprinted toward her home, with her friend Gia right by her side. As she arrived at her house, she was greeted by a distressing scene. Her father was in a heated argument with the police, vehemently accusing them of being responsible for her mother's death. Overwhelmed with shock and worry, she rushed to her father, desperately trying to soothe his agitated state. As she wept, she felt the secure embrace of arms wrapping around her, offering solace and comfort. Recognizing that it was Jason, she initially attempted to withdraw, but the warmth and reassurance of his embrace compelled her to remain embraced. She collapsed into his embrace, feeling the weight of everyone's concern as they gathered around her. She could hear her father's voice gradually fading into quietness. She hesitated to meet her father's gaze and stayed nestled in Jason's embrace until Gia led her to her room, secured the door, and tucked her into bed with a comforting mug of hot chocolate.

As Monday rolled around once more, she put on her outfit for the day but couldn't bring herself to see her father. Hastily, she made her way down the road, when suddenly she heard a voice calling her name 'Jules! Jules slow down. She slowed down as she heard him calling out to her, hesitating to turn around, afraid of his reaction. "You okay? I know that must have been scary for you. I'm truly sorry that happened. Are you okay?" He embraced her tightly, wrapping his arms around her waist and planting a tender kiss on the top of her head. In that moment, she found solace in the realization that she was deeply cherished by him .' If he ever gets like that again, know you can always come to my house. My parents love you more than me," saying that, As they began walking slowly together, Jason and Juliette met Gia. She looked surprised to see Juliette with Jason, and they continued to walk as Jason nudged her gently. As they walked through the school gates, all eyes were on them. It was the first time Jason had been seen with Juliette, and throughout the first period, He was unable to tear his gaze away from her. Juliette could sense his intense stare, and she couldn't help but blush as she sat in her class. As she walked, she felt a pair of hands gently resting on her shoulders. Anticipating who it might be, she turned around and found herself face to face with a strikingly handsome young man. "Hey, are you feeling okay? You seemed a bit flushed in there," he said with concern. She responded, attempting to speak without hesitation, "Um, yeah, I'm okay. I'm just feeling a little warm." As he enveloped her in his embrace. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and gently rested his jaw on the top of her head, creating a tender and comforting connection between them. As they made their way to their history class, they walked together for a while before entering the classroom and heading to separate sides. Once inside, Juliette found a seat next to Gia. Unable to shake thoughts of Jason and the day's events, she struggled to confide in her friend about the growing attraction she felt for him. Despite appearing visibly upset, Gia chose not to voice her emotions and instead remained silent, refusing to engage in conversation. As Juliette made her way to her next class, she couldn't shake off the feeling of confusion and concern stemming from her best friend's sudden silence towards her. During the entire lesson, she remained seated in the restroom.

It was lunchtime, and Juliette received an urgent message from Jason. The text read: "Why weren't you in class? Where are you? I'm coming to find you!"As she exited the bathroom, she felt a firm hand pushing her into a dimly lit room. Instinctively, she knew it was Jason and followed him into the room.'Juliette, why the heck weren't you in science class? Did something happen? Did someone hurt you? I'll kill them!" he exclaimed with anger in his voice, which sent a shiver down Juliette's spine. She had never seen him this furious before.

Juliette turned away from him, her heart pounding with fear. She couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze. He gently pulled her shoulder to face him and asked, "Are you okay? Is something wrong between you and Gia? You two weren't talking in history class, and you always talk." As she settled into the soft cushion of the chair, she furrowed her brow, contemplating what to say. Jason, ever attentive, knelt to her level and gently reassured her, "Talk to me. I'm here to support you, always." She realized that revealing the truth about her feelings for him was not an option without risking her secret being uncovered. In a race against time, she had to come up with a convincing lie within a mere two seconds before he could discern the truth.

They sat in silence for what felt like an eternity. As tears welled up in her eyes, she finally broke the silence. "Gia hates me, and I don't understand why. I confided in her that I liked someone, and now she won't even talk to me. What should I do?" she choked out between sobs. He wrapped his arms around her, whispering to soothe her as he reached for his phone and composed a frustrated message to Gia. As they emerged from the closet, they made their way to the park. There, they engaged in conversation for hours, their words flowing freely until the sky gradually darkened they began their journey back home, Jason hurriedly moved beside her and reached out to grasp her hand, gently applying pressure as he did so. As Juliette made her way back to her house, Jason stood and watched until he was certain she had safely reached her destination.

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