It Was Too Good To Be True

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The bell had rang and it was time for lunch and today, him and All Might would be eating together in the staff room. They were eating and then Izuku excused himself to go to the bathroom. On his way there he ran into Monoma. "Oh look who it is! The wannabe #1 hero! The one above us all." Monoma said, teasing him. "One day I hope for that to be true but with everyone beside me as we are all pro heroes!" Izuku replied. "You think that's gonna happen? Your mind must be in a fantasy right now. Especially if you think that Bakugou likes you and his friends are your friends." Monoma told him, laughing. "W- what do you mean?" Izuku replied. He stuttered because of how shocked he was. "It's obvious really. They are annoyed by you always hanging around with them. It's honestly kind of sad if you think about it. You follow them like a lost dog not knowing what to do." Monoma explained. "But.. They invite me to hang out with them. Why would they do that if they didn't like me?" Izuku said. He worried about whether it could be true or not. "They feel bad! You have no one else to play heroes with so they let you hang out with them out of pity. They may be your friends but you aren't theirs." Monoma told him as he walked away laughing. Izuku looked down at the ground as he walked to the bathroom. He could feel tears in his eyes as he thought about what he said. He locked himself in a stall and slid down the wall holding his knees. He was overthinking everything. He knew Monoma teases everyone about things like this but what if he was right? He was sitting on the floor thinking about it as the words replayed in his head, over and over.

The bell had rung 10 minutes ago but Izuku still wasn't in class. Aizawa was doing attendance and he was going to wait to mark him late until he finished going down the list so he had until then to get back to class. "So where is Midoriya?" Aizawa asked the class. Katsuki was confused because he had never been this late to get back from lunch. "He's not the type to skip class and as far as the sign out sheet goes, he isn't on it so he should still be here at the school." Aizawa said, thinking aloud. "Well we will have to go on with the lesson without him." Aizawa went on with class and they went through the rest of the day, no sight of Izuku. Izuku heard the last bell of the day as he was still sitting in the bathroom on the floor. He waited an hour after school ended so that he wouldn't have to face anyone. "I'll just go home to Dad. If he hurts me, maybe I deserve it if I'm not even worthy of having friends, let alone a boyfriend or being a true hero." Izuku said to himself and started walking home. Katsuki ran to Izuku's dorm as soon as the last bell rang. When he got there he knocked on the door, frantically. "Izu?! Are you in there?!" Katsuki said as he kept knocking, awaiting a reply. He then banged harder, hoping that he would answer. There was still no response meaning that he obviously wasn't there.He went back to his dorm, worrying for Izuku. He texted him a million times but they were left on delivered.

As soon as Izuku got home and walked in the door he was grabbed and pinned to a wall as the door slammed behind him. "Lovely of you to come home, huh?" Hisashi said sarcastically. "Where were you anyway? Playing heroes? Having fun?!" Hisashi replied, his voice raising with every word. "N-no! I-" Izuku tried to explain but he got thrown across the room. "YOU KNOW YOU DON'T DESERVE HAPPINESS! IF YOUR MOTHER CAN'T BE HAPPY THEN NEITHER SHOULD YOU!." Hisashi screamed at him. Hisashi walked over to Izuku and he started to beat him up. He left him bleeding so terribly that his white shirt from his uniform was basically dyed a deep red. The next morning Izuku woke up in the living room, covered in his own blood. It hurt to move but he went up to his room. He knew he couldn't go to school today or else everyone would notice he was hurt and either way, he didn't want to face anyone of his 'friends'. His Dad didn't even check on him. He couldn't care less if he skipped school. Katsuki however, did. He had spent all night outside Izuku's dorm. He hoped he would show up at some point but he never did. When he woke up outside his dorm he knew he didn't come during the night, he just knew. He was so worried about him he couldn't think of anything else. He continued to call and text him but got no answer. He thought that he would be at school because he had never missed a day before. He went back to his dorm and got ready and then headed to the school. He waited in his seat and was watching a door, only to be disappointed once anyone came in, not being Izuku. "Where the hell is Midoriya?" Aizawa asked. "Nobody knows. He wasn't in any of our classes after lunch yesterday and didn't come home last night." Katsuki told him. Aizawa got worried. Izuku has never done something like this and he knows if he did, he would have told somebody.

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