Episode 1: Dawg Days

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The first sight in the whole series, is Chris McLean staring into your soul, with the famous camp right behind him.

Wars have been fought. People have been maimed. You get the point.

Chris: We're coming at you live from Camp Wawanakwa! Somewhere in Ontario! I'm your host: Chris McClain!

He walks across a VERY familiar dock...

Chris: Here's the deal: twenty campers have signed up to stay at this camp for five weeks, where they'll compete against each other, for the grand prize!


Chris: Every two to three days, one team will either win a reward, or watch their teammates walk down the dock of shame, ride on the loser boat, and leave Total Drama Island for good!

The original series had people come back out of nowhere, so let's see if he actually holds true to his promise.

The next shot shows him at the infamous ceremony.

Chris: Their fate will be decided HERE, at the dramatic campfire ceremony, where every camper except for one will receive...a marshmallow. In the end, only one will be left standing, and be rewarded with.." he pulls out a magazine. "Cheesy tabloid fame, and..."

The briefcase is revealed!

Chris: A big fortune, which knowing this cast..won't last at all! Who knows what addictions will come after this show wraps.

The next shot shows a variety of animals: flies, bears, frogs, and a dark, desolate cave.

Chris: They'll have to battle animals, food, anything and everything! EVERY moment will be caught on hundreds of cameras around the camp!

Oh boy..that's a lot of cameras. What's the budget for this show?

Chris: Who will crumble under the pressure? Find out here, right now, on—

???: CUT.

He's cut off, when a man in a yellow fur coat walks into frame.

???: You had a good run, but the network...wants someone with a little more pizzazz.

Chris: You? Nate? Pizazz? Hahahaha! Thats the funniest shit I've ever heard! Your robotic voice couldn't take this moment away!

Nate: The only thing funny is how quickly I've replaced you.

Chris: Hahaha, nice try but you don't have the charisma to stand out.

Nate: Haven't heard that one before.

He gets shoved into the water as Nate spins dramatically to the camera.

Nate: Have you ever seen the director make themselves the host? YES? Well it's about to happen again! I'm Nate, Nathan Dawg, whatever you wanna call me, and THIS: Is Total. Dawgma. Island!

The camera zooms out.

Nate: If I wasn't hired last minute we'd be somewhere else. Just deal with it ok?

Chris: Oh the LOCATION bothers you?? Not the fact your name sucks!

Nate: The only other choice was Island of Irrelevancy, what did you want me to do?!

Chris: GO AWAY!

After the intro's over, Nate is STILL alone on the dock. Sure hope Chris is ok.

Nate: Welcome back to Total Dawgma Island. Our first ten campers are comin' in hot! Our marketing team is unbelievable, but they still signed up for it. We call it false advertising...OH Here they come now!"

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