Episode 2: Raining Cats and Dawgs

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Malicious Maggots: Day 3
Bentley, Dedede, Jessie, James, Patrick, Rosalina, Shadow, Skarlet, and Waluigi
It's a cloudy, so-so day for the Maggots side of weather. Dedede's and his merry band of Dees are munching away bags of chips. The king stops when he can't feel anymore.

Dedede: Anybody in there?

He tilts the bag upside down. There's nothing left.

Dedede: Well. At least Lemon Lime ain't here to bother me about it.


Dedede: I got no damn clue what comes next, but that boy made me look bad. I gotta overcompensate. Boost every one'a these people up. That challenge better be in..Snowland or somethin'. Frosty gonna eat shit, I tell ya that.


In the cabin, paper with Patrick's smiling face is slapped on the table. Team Rocket, specifically James, has a finger on the chin.

James: The curious case of Patrick Bateman is officially open!

Jessie: Isn't this too extra?

James: Of course not. We know Patrick is fake, we just have to prove it. Make him show his real face to the public.

Jessie: It clearly doesn't take much..he has the temper of a little boy.

???: After what he said to me?? Yeah!

Turns out Waluigi is across the table. He's in a Team Rocket uniform too.

Waluigi: He wanted ta switch after all that! It don't fly with Waluigi!

James: One of us could get alone with him again. Push him into showing his true self.

Jessie: We don't know how far he'll go. Let's send someone expendable to do our work for us.

Bentley barges in with a detective fit. He has it on though!

Bentley: Are we solving mysteries?

Jessie: Oh Bentley! We've just been looking for a big brain!

Bentley blushes at the compliment.

Bentley: Oh..uh..thanks.

Waluigi: Focus. Waluigi's life depends on it.

Bentley: Oh! Yeah! Who's the perp?

James dramatically slaps the paper in his face.

James: Patrick Bateman.

Bentley grabs the paper..and looks pretty confused about this whole thing.

Bentley: Patrick? I thought he was a nice guy.

James: That's what he wants you to think.

Jessie: The "nice guys" always have skeletons in their closets. Two stories make me believe it more. Patrick's all image. Did you see how he was creeping us out on the dock? Are we supposed to forget that?

Waluigi: Waluigi don't have amnesia!

James: A double-sided mystery like Bateman MUST be stopped!

Bentley: Ok..so what am I supposed to do about this?

Jessie: Tell him about your special interests! I'm sure he'll be receptive to you. Maybe if he's comfortable enough, he'll tell you his REAL plans.

Bentley: Hmmm..I could do that. Anything to solve a mystery!


Bentley: Nothing like a mystery to get my brain going. Sometimes being the smart one can be frustrating, because everyone wants you to hack everything, and just solve world peace. Some protections are too much. But it's so satisfying to do my job right! If I can see what Patrick's planning, I'll feel like..like the best detective ever!

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