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"Is the air cleaner here?" Vi frowned - already feeling the change. Just a couple hours ago she had bid farewell to Zaun and she felt a small void as they set foot in Piltover.

"It's smells good, not like smoke and grime" Powder nodded, Vander held her hand as they walked through the unsullied streets.

"Why did we even stop here?"

"To get ourselves some clothes" Vander shrugged "The Kiramann were kind enough to send part of my payment in advance"

"Kind enough? You know they want us to look the less Zaunite possible for a reason, right?"

"Violet" Vander shook his head softly, chancing a glance at Powder.

"What?" She blew out, the crease in her eyebrows deepening "It's damn obvious"

"Not now, we can have a chat later about it"

"Really? Because all you have been doing lately is blowing me off"

"That's not true I-"

"Vi look" Powder gasped excitedly, apparently oblivious to the conversation taking place "There's a jewelry stand over there!"

"You and Vi should go check it out" Vander encouraged with a small smile, relieved to get out of an impeding argument.
"I can go do part of the boring shopping in the meanwhile"

"You're just going to leave us here?" Vi raised an eyebrow amused "You didn't like it when we went down Zaun streets on our own"

"Well we are already in Piltovan territory and-"

"There's no people like us" Vi grunted "Of course"

"That's not what I meant" Vander sighed, his free hand coming to rest on her shoulder "The streets here are -"

"If you are going to kiss ass I'll just take Powder over there"

Vander huffed but decided to leave it at that, he didn't expect the adaption process to come easy anyways.

"Take some coins and buy whatever you two want, meet me back here in twenty minutes"


"Take care of each other"

"I thought we didn't need to do that in Piltover" Vi muttered -the sarcasm dripping from her tone.

Before Vander had the chance to reply she grabbed Powder and took off in the opposite direction, in the past he had denounced everything about topside and suddenly all his principles had changed? That was complete bull.

"Can we get something from that stand later?" Powder squeezed her hand as they began navigating down the alley.

"Sure Pow Pow"

"Do you think we'll have a pool?"

"What?" Vi almost laughed at the nature of such question, Powder could be quite random at times "A pool?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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