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Wednesday morning I had my laptop checking out places saw this nice air bnb showed Jack it

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Wednesday morning I had my laptop checking out places saw this nice air bnb showed Jack it

he said it was a good one...I was figuring out the booking ticket for the flights and air bnb

"Goddamnit" I said

I was getting kinda stressed I know I get stressed out too easily but it's only because I haven't been on vacation in so long & was trying to get everything together

Jack walked over to the dining room table where I was

"If you think you're paying for everything you must've lost your mind" Jack grabbed my laptop he pulled out his credit card from his wallet putting the information in

" I'm a big girl" I said trying to take the computer but this man is tall as hell...

I usually pay for things my self so it was very new to me when someone else pays for something

" big girl that's stressing out over it" he said I rolled my eyes

"Look You've had a stressful week so paying for this shouldn't be your priority right now" he said I smiled and thanked him even though I didn't want him to but hey

Booking stuff is not always easy so I appreciated him for that especially since we're going to Turks & Caicos

"Just chill out and rest" I nodded my head he kissed my cheek

After breakfast Jack left to go shopping with urban for a new camera cause apparently urban dropped it during one of his photoshoots

I sat at home for the whole day I really didn't have nothing to do so I watch movies and ate junk food the whole day


Friday I was packing my suitcase while Amaya was over we were gossiping about girl stuff

"So what's going on with you??" I asked

"What do you mean?" She knew exactly what I meant

"You've been so weird towards me lately what's going on" she sigh she sitting up

"There's no easy way to tell you this but...."


She took a pause for a moment

"I'm pregnant...." she said


"Yeah I found out last week"

"Have you told urban yet" I asked

"You know I have he's the first person I told I can't keep shit from him BUT you can't tell anybody else right now because if this gets out to the media sooner than I want it too imma be pissed"she said I put my hands up in defense

"I won't don't worry" I said

"Can I tell Jack??"I said she rolled her eyes

"I'm pretty sure Jack knows cause you know that's urban's bestie he tell's him everything" I agreed there would be no point in telling him then

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