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Taehyung is losing his mind because his husband isn't home from last week. He tries to contact Seojoon, but the older male phone comes out as switches off.

Taehyung doesn't know what to do. He's feeling something wrong has happened to his husband. Not knowing what to do anymore, he decided to seek help from his stepson.

Taehyung gets ready in a white t-shirt and grey pants. His heart was racing as he took the taxi to Jeon's house. On the way to Jeon's house, he remembers the happy moments with Seojoon, causing a smile to plant on his lips.

 On the way to Jeon's house, he remembers the happy moments with Seojoon, causing a smile to plant on his lips

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But the smile eventually dropped, remembering his husband didn't contact him once.

The taxi halted and Taehyung paid the man before going up to the house and ringing the doorbell.

[Inside the Jeon's House]

"Remove your cock. Someone is at the door."

Jimin said, trying to push Jungkook away, but the latter shook his head.

"Just ignore it, baby."

Jungkook said, and Jimin glared at his husband, hearing the continuous doorbell ringing sound.

"Remove and let me check who it is."

Jimin said, and Jungkook sighed, pulling his dick out of Jimin's cunt. Jimin wore his clothes and walked towards the entrance of the house.

As he opens the door, he is met by Taehyung's tears-filled face.
"Taehyung, what are you doing here? Why are you crying, and where is dad?"

Jimin asks, and Taehyung cries more before hugging Jimin.

"Seojoon Hyung had gone away for a seminar, but he still didn't return yet. It's been a week, but he promised he'd return in four days. I tried to reach him, but he's not picking up my calls. I don't know whom to contact."

Taehyung cried out, and Jimin also got worried for his father.

"Come seat inside. I'll tell Hyung to find out about dad."

Jimin said, and after making Taehyung sit on the sofa, he went inside the bedroom to find Jungkook still lying on the bed.

"Why do you look worried?"

Jungkook asks, and Jimin's eyes glisten.

"Taehyung is here, and Dad is missing. Please find him."

Jimin said, and Jungkook internally smiled, but he knew he couldn't see Jimin sad, so he nodded his head.

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