10: Masked Tension

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The entire hotel is surrounded by security, ensuring the smooth transition of the most awaited event of the entire year.

There is no guarantee for safety in this kind of event since royalties, celebrities, politicians, billionaires, and people with brilliant minds come together for something called charity.

Though behind the charade, it is actually a show of power and influence between the world leaders. Inflating their egos and identifying who is ahead and who is inferior.

Every year the host country changes, the competition? - Whose annual gala is the most charitable and the most attended.

It is all about strategy and theatricals.

This time, Thailand opted for a masquerade theme. Cliche but it brings mystery and surprise to the attendees.

"Eagles 1 and 2 secured."

"All three Falcons safely arrived. Entering now."

"Copy. Little Hawk ETA on 1820H, right on schedule."

"Alert comms when Little Hawk is secured."


"All Falcons secured. Eagles 1 and 2 on sight."

Princess Edith looms in boredom on her seat, staring at the buildings.

Her personal guard doesn't speak and the driver is too focused on the road. This could have been a great time to bring her best friend along. Unfortunately she needs to ride with her parents to the event.

At least she won't be bored once they arrive.

They arrived at the underground parking lot, where additional security is waiting for them.

"Little Hawk has safely arrived. On rendezvous to the nest."

Since she is on heels, Michelle offered her arm for her to cling on. Beneath her mask, the Princess' face turns red like a tomato.

"Inform me if we're walking so fast."

The Princess nods.

Even when they're in the elevator, she clings onto her arm.

Once they reached the room, Michelle knocked with the secret code that their security team uses.

"Little Hawk secured."

Sebastian walked in haste towards his friend with troubling news.

"Mich, we need to talk."

He gestured for her to follow him. They went outside the room and stayed by the door.

"What's wrong?"

"Buddy, you're going to be reassigned. It's a last minute request and there's nothing we could do but to accept it."

Michelle simply nods.

"The King's niece is attending the gala. I presume you don't know anything about Denmark's royalty but the third Princess of Thailand is married to the King of Denmark. They have a son and a daughter. Apparently, they only have men on their security and the King's sister has personally requested for a female guard for her daughter. We have a few on our team and the King asked for the best and I recommended you."

He gave her a tap on the shoulder. "Thus, my friend, you will be guarding Princess Ann for the rest of the night."

Michelle did not object. As long as it's not a horny teenager like Princess Edith.

"I'll introduce you to her as soon as she arrives."

"Alright then."

She is quite relieved she got Princess Edith out of her hair.

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