Chapter 28

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   I launched myself at the tree witch. I was aware that so long as he jumped and warped through these trees, we would never land a hit. But he was still just a witch. He didn't perceive information the same way we did, which meant he was a lot slower than we were. All I had to do was attack before he had a chance to warp away.

I missed with the first strike, but that didn't stop me from striking again as soon as he reappeared. I charged after him when he came growing out of another extended branch. He made a hand gesture in my direction and then sharp tentacle like branches shot out, bolting towards me.

'Keep going, Jason!' Justin came from above slashing down those branches whilst Reuben appeared beside him, biting the other and pinning it down. 'We'll cover you!'

Splitting up was a mistake on our part. I thought that strategy would give us the upper hand but I let my rage take over, all because he wrecked my dad's truck. I was still pissed over that but I could think clearly now. He was just one man. I'll go for an attack and these two will cover me.

I ducked and slid across the the ground when he attempted to make another branch pop out in front of my face. His hands and arms moved, wrists twisting and elbows bending. He was moving like a machine, commanding the trees and leafs like pulling puppet strings. Not even the elders were this good at magic.

I was still wounded and the wounds weren't healing any faster. I was being carried by my adrenaline, so I knew the moment I slowed down we're finished.

'Why won't you die already!'

'You're mine!' I yelled at the witch and once again I was close.

He was about to warp himself away again, but then a thought passed my mind. If he used the trees to warp himself, then that meant he needed to be connected to the trees somehow to teleport. In other words, these trees and branches were like a travelling network. This was just a last minute thought, but I was going to give it a go.

Instead of slashing the witch with my claws, I moved past him and slashes right through the branch connected to the tree.

'Dammit!' The witch pulled his legs out and attempted to jump away as soon as I discovered the weakness in his spell. But I didn't let him.

I caught his leg before he get any further away and then tossed him hard into the ground sending him crashing. I landed on top of him and pressed my foot against his shoulder hard.

'Make one move, if I even hear you utter a magic word, I will crush your shoulder right here and now!' I pressed my foot harder till I saw him wincing in pain. 'Don't test me!'

'Fine!' He said accepting defeat. 'I admit. I have underestimated you. But did you really think I came here alone?' He smiled slyly.

My danger sense gave me that familiar chilling sensation down my spine, so when it told me to jump and roll out of the way, I did. Just in time to avoid a lightning bolt that came out of nowhere.

'What the fuck!' I was blown away by the blast and slid back on my heels before looking up. 'You again!' I said seeing the witch from that night. The one who attacked me, in the black cloak with storm magic powers. 'You must be the leader of the gang.'

'You're clever, young alpha,' said the witch held in the air by a swirling whirlwind around his feet.

Justin and Reuben reappeared beside me. I was breathing heavily feeling blood still pouring out from my wounds. I could heal myself now but if I dropped my guard even for a second I would leave myself open for an attack.

The tree witch stood up, holding his shoulder and glaring at me. The stormy witch landed beside him before a large portal opened behind them.

'Let's leave. Your task is already complete.'

'Sorry, I tried to finish them, but he is quite the formidable opponent.'

'What are they talking about?' Justin asked me through the mind-link.

The witches looked at us and smiled coyly. They were going to escape. They were just going to walk away after the damage they've done. I wasn't going to have, it especially since they were the ones after my mate.

'Don't you dare run!' I shifted then and there and blitz towards them.

'Go, Azuma!' The stormy witch said and stepped forward to get in my way.

More bolts of lightning came from above and the tree witch jumped through the portal escaping. He was getting away.

'Get back here!'

I jumped evading another bolt of lightning. The attacks were coming in more frequently. I stopped in my tracks when I sensed multiple falling ahead of me, the strikes so heavy I could sense that a single hit from one of those would be fatal. This wasn't right! I was supposed to be the town's protector.

I felt body forcibly shift back when the pain in my side was too much and fell on one knee. The attacks just stopped coming all together as the storm witch then stepped backwards into their escape portal.

'We will meet again, Jason Roux.'

'I will come for you! I can promise you that! You will regret ever messing with my MATE!!!'


Hours have passed and the mall was swarmed by the media. I came out one of the clothing shops that got damaged in the battle, dressed in a pair of new shirts. The brand tag was still attached to the back, but I couldn't care less about that.

Justin and Reuben were waiting for me outside and both looked at me seeing that I was also fully healed.

'So what now?' asked Justin.

There was zero casualties, but unfortunately injuries and property damage couldn't be avoided. The mayor was so going to give me an earful on this, but I couldn't care less about that right now. I could sense that Archie was worried, so I needed to go back to the packhouse.

'We go back,' I told him and then started walking.

'What do we do about your dad's truck?'

'Can we just deal with one problem at a time?' I was already getting a migraine.

I was thinking back on the storm witch I saw and how it sounded like the witch knew me. I mean everyone in this town knew me and what my name was, but the tone of voice this witch used wasn't something any ordinary stranger would use if they just knew me by my title.

Something told me there was more to this than what met the eye. These people weren't just after Archie, there had to be another reason.

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