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Wedding Day

The grand hall of the Kim estate was adorned with opulent decorations that screamed wealth and sophistication. The atmosphere was a stark contrast to y/n's inner turmoil.

Today was the wedding day of Mr. Kim and Ms. Choi, and while it was meant to be a day of joy, y/n struggled to hide her anxiety.

Despite her fears, she wore a stunning red dress that shimmered with every movement and had a simple but cute makeup that highlighted her natural beauty. To anyone who looked at her, she resembled a princess in a fairy tale.

y/n approached her mother’s room. The door was slightly ajar, and through the gap, she could see her mother, Ms. Choi, standing in a breathtakingly beautiful white gown. The gown was an extravagant choice by Mr. Kim, a symbol of his love and the grandeur of this union.

y/n took a deep breath and stepped into the room. “Wow, Mom, you look so beautiful, like a queen,” she said softly, her voice trembling with a mix of admiration and sadness.

Ms. Choi turned to her daughter, her eyes filled with warmth and love. “And my girl is looking like a princess today,” she said, pulling y/n into a gentle embrace. “I love you, my little princess.”

Y/N clung to her mother for a moment, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall. “I love you too, Mom,” she whispered.

Taking her mother’s hand, Y/N took one final deep breath. “Are you ready, Mom?” she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

Ms. Choi gave her a reassuring smile. “Yes, dear. Let’s go.”

y/n guided her mother to the grand hall, where the wedding ceremony was about to begin. The space was filled with guests, their attire and behavior hinting at the powerful world of the mafia. The decor was lavish, with gold and red accents that spoke of affluence and grandeur.

When they reached the altar, y/n took her mother’s hand and placed it in Mr. Kim’s. Her voice trembled slightly as she said, “Please take care of my mother. She is very precious to me.”

Mr. Kim looked at her with sincere eyes and replied with a gentle smile, “I promise to love her forever.”

Y/N felt a pang in her heart as she released her mother’s hand, her own fingers lingering for a moment before letting go. The ceremony began, and as Ms. Choi and Mr. Kim exchanged vows, Y/N’s tears fell freely now, her grief masked only by the soft smile she forced onto her face.

When the wedding concluded, the secretary directed Y/N to a seat beside the Kim brothers.

BTS looked handsome as always, their appearances radiating a commanding aura of powerful mafias. Their cold, intense gazes and formidable presence sent chills down the spine.

Dressed in impeccably stylish outfits, they exuded a vibe that was both stylish and menacing, capturing the essence of a sophisticated underworld

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Dressed in impeccably stylish outfits, they exuded a vibe that was both stylish and menacing, capturing the essence of a sophisticated underworld.

She was taken aback by the arrangement, feeling a wave of anxiety as she approached the table. “C-Can I sit here?” she asked timidly, her eyes wide with apprehension.

Jin, the eldest of the Kim brothers, looked up from his seat and nodded politely. “Sure,” he said with a hint of a smile.

Y/N carefully took her seat beside Jungkook, feeling as though she was a small child in the presence of giants. The brothers glanced at her but remained silent, their eyes cool and unreadable. Y/N felt her nervousness intensify under their scrutinizing gazes.

Trying to break the ice, she offered a nervous smile. “Hello, I’m Y/N.”

J-Hope responded in a slightly cold tone, “Yeah, we know.”

Y/N’s face fell, and she quickly looked down, thinking that they were uninterested in conversing with her. She sat in silence, her heart heavy as she tried to avoid thinking about the changes this day had brought into her life.

As the ceremony concluded, Ms. Choi and Mr. Kim were surrounded by well-wishers. Y/N’s sadness was palpable, but she struggled to maintain her composure. Jin, sensing her discomfort, attempted to lighten the mood.

Jin, noticed Y/N’s tears and leaned in slightly, his voice softening. “Now you are our sister, so you have to call us ‘oppa,’” he said with a gentle smile.

Y/N’s eyes widened in surprise. Her confusion was evident, her brows furrowing as she tried to understand this new aspect of her reality.

The innocence of her expression brought a fleeting smile to Jungkook’s face, though he quickly hid it behind a mask of indifference.

She stammered, “D-Do you accept me as your sister?”

Namjoon’s response was cool and detached. “Not exactly. We are older, so you should call us ‘oppa.’”

Seeing the tension in Y/N’s eyes, Jin quickly stepped in to ease the situation. “Not everyone accepts you as a sister right away, but Jungkook, J-Hope, and I do. You are our sister now.

Y/N was visibly relieved by Jin’s words. “Thank you,” she said, her voice filled with genuine gratitude as she looked down, trying to keep her emotions in check.

The ceremony came to a close, and the guests began to leave the grand hall. Jungkook approached Y/N, his tone authoritative but not unkind. “You’re coming with us in our car. Your mother and our father will be traveling in another car,” he said.

Y/N nodded, her voice soft as she responded, “Okay, Oppa.”

Jungkook was taken aback by being addressed as “Oppa” for the first time. His heart lifted slightly at the gesture, but he quickly masked his feelings and maintained his composed demeanor. “Good. Let’s go,” he said, guiding her towards the waiting car.

As they walked to the car, Y/N’s nerves were evident. She was apprehensive about her new surroundings, and the intimidating presence of the Kim brothers did little to calm her. Once they were inside the car, Jin noticed her anxiety and tried to offer some reassurance.

“There’s no need to be so nervous,” he said gently, attempting to put her at ease.

Y/N gave a shaky nod, her trauma beginning to surface as she struggled to keep her emotions in check. “Y-Yes, I’m okay,” she stuttered.

The brothers spoke in their usual reserved manner, though they tried to engage in conversation with Y/N to make her feel welcome. Y/N did her best to hide her distress, though the sweat on her palms and her slight tremors betrayed her anxiety.

Jin noticed her discomfort and wondered why she was sweating despite the air conditioning in the car.

He realized that there was something more troubling her than mere nervousness, though he chose not to comment on it.

As they arrived at the Kim mansion, the sheer scale of the estate was overwhelming. The grandeur of her new home was a stark reminder of the life she was entering—a life of opulence and power, but also one filled with uncertainty and challenges.

To be continued...

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