26*-The worst betrayal since Maxine and Ginny-*

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"Oh c'mon!" I groan and take a huge bite off my burger. I and Eric had been at loggerheads about red flags in relationships, or at least about how my boss is a walking red flag.

I love how you call him your boss everytime, helps you remember your place huh?

My mind shading me, my best friend shading me and a pesky fly trying to call dibs on my food. Here's a normal day in the life of Jane Kingston guys.

"What? He's motherfucking rich, those people always have their hands dirty, he hides under a damn perfect facade which indicates that there's a lot he's hiding from the world..."

"Hol' up hol' up"  I interrupt him.  "The first thing you said is a-a damn stereotype and ofcourse everyone hides u-under a facade. No one has their entire life out in the open."

"So because he's all dark and mysterious you wanna go explore him? And find the lost half of his soul? And fix him?" We snort in laughter simultaneously at the awful cliche he just narrated.

"It's not a romance movie Janie" Eric says and slurps on his smoothie

" Oh please life itself is a huge cliche s-so spare me"

"You're not going to relent are you?"

"Nuh uh" I hum with my mouth full.

He motions to the waitress and orders another helping of fries and I shake my head at him. From the corner of my eye I spot a couple whisper arguing and I point it out to Eric with my eyes. One of the perks of our friendship was our near telepathic communication.

"You think he cheated?" I ask

"Nah I bet he left the toilet seat open" He shrugs and I explode in a fit of giggles. It's been a standing wonder to him why women got ticked off by the smallest things and one of the reasons an ex of his gave him for ending it was that he did little annoying things like leaving the toilet seat up and forgetting to close the drawers. He legit pondered on that for months and it never fails to crack me up.

I reach over the table and smack his arm.

"We have every right to get annoyed about that" I say as he accepts the plate of fries from the waitress and smiles at her not so subtle wink at him.

"Get that look off your face" He says not even looking at me but at his fries as I stare at him with disgust. Eric is a pretty handsome guy, with light brown hair and eyes the color of dark chocolate.

"I mean I-I don't see the appeal"

"Why would you? When your vision is clouded by the dude handing you paychecks and buying you cars"

"Just one car" I say in exasperation and chuck a rolled up piece of lettuce at his forehead. "And you know why"

"Yeah I do, I also know something's changed. You weren't all so eager to explore the behind the scenes of his person as a matter of fact you seemed to strongly dislike him"

I shrug "Y-your point is?"

"My point is you're keeping something from me aren't you?"

Fine fine, I didn't tell him of our newly found sexual relationship as he's totally going to read it wrong. That's definitely not the reason why I want to know him better. There's just a pull, a weird indescribable one.

"You are!" He exclaims and startles me

"I didn't say that"

"Your open as fuck face did. Spill baby girl"

"Ugh you fucking psychic" I groan. Eric's always been the best at reading me.

"We had some sexual encounters" I blurt. A normal person won't hear me as I talk really fast but Eric has been deciphering my words since he met me.

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