The Sea and The Pools

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Ah. Summer.

What's the summer for when the sea in here isn't pleasing enough to swim? Not a good thing to go for a dip and feel the summer breeze. All I felt was the scorching weather that sometimes goes sour during afternoon until midnight—in short, summer storms.

They say, "Ah, use the pools in the nearest resort, Abby, it's good to feel cold water in this scorching heat."

Hell no.

The pools in the nearest pool in this place will all receive about six to zero over ten rating. They're unclean, unsupervised, and unsafe. Nuh-uh, I took one pool from one of the nearest resort, I almost got blinded by the strong chlorine used to clean the waters of the pool. Talk about water recycle. And my conditioned hair? After my one hour in it, believe me, I gaslighted myself to stay a bit longer thinking I'll change my thoughts with this pool, my hair dried close to crisp. If I had't taken a full body shower, I'll definitely go home with a dull, frizzy hair.

Bad weather, bad sea, bad pool. I hate spending summer when these elements were in bad conditions. I'd rather go to the province where there were falls, rivers, and lakes. Aside that they have cool waters, their clean as well, and the locals and tourists were also considerate with those places' conditions to keep them clean.

Sounds like I'm comparing things, but it's my opinion and I don't want my family to know about these thoughts of mine.

"Filter your words, Abby, I know what you're thinking." I looked at Claire who's reading the booklet of the resort right now in the lobby. I'm sitting in a bean bag beside hers.

I grimaced at her words. "I'm not thinking about what you're thinking, Claire. Stop making up things."

"Maybe if you don't stop looking at the whole place like you're judging them, I would not think about you being judgmental." Calm, serene, dangerous. Claire is like The ocean. Don't ask me what kind of ocean. And she does not bluff when she point things to me about myself.

Because I'm judgmental, alright.

I could only roll my eyes and crossed my arms and legs while keeping my right eyebrow lifted. That's not how I looked when I judge people, places, or things. They just assumed it.

Claire knows me better when I was judgmental and when I was not.

But honestly, I would rather stay in my house if I would get to experience the bad service of a resort.

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