Fever - Nosung (F + LA)

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Title inspiration: Enhypen - Fever

Note: They're just cute (saijieom)

It was a Monday morning when Jisung's alarm went off. Great, Jisung has dance practice which he usually looks foward to, but his head is killing him. Jisung grabbed his phone and checked the time. The screen lit up and the time 8:45am was displayed. It's too early for this.

"Jisung? We have practice!" Mark called out. Jisung lets a out a groan. Really at 8am in the morning...Jisung was glad that he doesn't have to get up early for school anymore but now he has to get up for daily practices, so Jisung rolled out of bed to take a look at himself in the mirror. His hair was disheveled, dark circles under his eyes and he looked paler than usual. Sighing, Jisung changed into some black trackpants and a white long sleeve, not forgetting to put on makeup and a cap to hide how much of a mess his hair and face looked. 

Once he was done, Jisung left the room to see his six hyungs. "You're late" Mark stated. Jisung only sighed. "You good Sung?" Renjun asked. "I'm okay" Jisung responded. Renjun only nodded, slightly worried as to why Jisung was later than usual. Meanwhile, Haechan was too busy choking a screaming Chenle to even care. Mark sighed. "Let's go everyone"

The way to practice was alright. Jisung leaning on Jaemin's shoulder as Jaemin drinks his Americano. Mark was sitting near the driver, Renjun was reading a book, Jeno was listening to music, Chenle was leaning on Jeno, and Haechan was actually quiet for once. Jisung sighed again.

They arrived at the practice room and Mark started to go over what songs they needed to practice for the upcoming performance. Jisung sighed again. "So we need to work on songs such as Glitch Mode, ISTJ, Hot Sauce and Go" Mark stated. "But we will also work on songs such as Dive Into You and Hello Future" Mark added. Jisung lets a sigh of relief. Those songs don't sound as bad as something like Glitch Mode or Go. He'll be fine, he thinks.

The first song they practiced wasn't too bad, it was Dive Into You. The choreography is easy compared to what was coming in Jisung's way. The next song they practiced was Hello Future. It was okay for Jisung so far, he's danced to harder choreographies in worse conditions. The next song however was Glitch Mode. Great, he has to do the dance break whilst his head is still pounding.

Glitch Mode was going okay so far, the choreography was very hard hitting and strenuous. Jisung was still keeping up with the beat and choreography but showed less energy than usual. Jeno took a glance at Jisung worriedly. Jisung just gave him an okay sign. Jeno didn't go further in that small interaction. The practice went on for what seemed like a long time even though time hasn't passed as quickly as Jisung would've liked.

The dance break was coming and Jisung thought he was able to do it but as soon as he started to put all his energy into the footwork, he started seeing dark circles and the room was turning black. Jisung knows what's coming; he's going to faint. As soon as he started falling backwards, he was expecting to hit the ground but instead, he felt strong arms holding him. Jisung at this point couldn't even register who caught him from hitting the ground. The room was spinning and all he could see were black circles. He could hear some worried shouts but couldn't put a name as to whose voice was shouting.

"Jisung! Are you- JISUNG!" Renjun shouted but cut himself off as soon as he saw Jisung fall into Jeno's arms. Renjun took a glance at the scene. The music stopped. Jeno was holding Jisung.  Mark was grabbing water whilst Jaemin was grabbing a cold towel. Chenle and Haechan were stunned at the scene. Renjun observed the scene once again before making his way to Jeno and Jisung. "Ji...Jisung are you with us?" Jeno asked. Jisung could barely respond. Renjun touched Jisung's forehead. "He has a fever" Renjun stated. Jeno looked at Jisung worriedly. "Ji...don't push yourself too hard...I know the performance is soon but you're clearly not well" Jeno stated.

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