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• Relationship: Intimate
• Warnings: !SMUT!, Cussing
• Commissioned by: People in FB

"I was hypnotized by your beauty, my dear."

"What a long day! Hmm, it's been a while since I visit home, I guess they must be worried about me now."

Y/N used the teleportation box, teleporting home...

Y/N was visiting their home, gathering the daily materials. The other flower fairies seemed to avoid him, perhaps, what reason?

"Hey guys, what's up? You seemed to guys avoid him and letting him out somewhere? By the way, where is he?" You asked.

"He was... Acting strange today, why not visit him?" Tulip suggests.

"I'll try..." You answered at you went to his home.

As you went inside of his home where he stays in the meanwhile, you suddenly smell a fragrant scent. Itade you dizzy, and slowly losing consciousness. As you faint down to the floor, you see a sly smile on his face...

"You did came home, back to my arms, my dear~"

Later, you are awoken by a light kiss on your cheek.

"What the fuck-" Then you realized, you're naked...

"Well hello dear, did you like the scent I made?" He looked at you, smirking. "I always want to see you like this, so vulnerable."

"What?! This isn't right! Ah!-" You suddenly was stopped by him, as he covers you mouth.

"Hush... Let me take you to my arms and smell the scent of needy and desire."


He then started to undress...


"Relax, dear. Sweet scent won't kill you, love" He then lay next to Y/N, hugging them in a sweet embrace then kissing deeply.

"Oh gods, I-" You moved away after the kiss. "What did you do to me?"

"I know you for a while and I can't stop thinking of you. You are so endearing and kind, can't resist to fall in love with your tempting smile." He answered then started to... Uhm, you know, yes you. You! You rn! Like pp in v? Yep.

"Lavender, we can't do this!-" You tried to resist him but failed. "Too bad, dear. You're all mine. You'll realized those "Heart Rivals" are just nothing to you...

That night, you felt both pain and pleasure.

(Let your imagination go wild bruh)

-+{End of Smut}+-

The next day, you get dressed and ready to do your dailies. As you walk to the kitchen, you saw a note and a bottle of perfume next to it.

"My dear, do please visit me again tonight, I have more surprises for you... And please, wear this perfume's scent. It was a sign of my love and care for you. I love you, Y/N."

You then sprayed a bit of the perfume, it smelled like sweet Lavender with a bit of honey...

Who knows what suprise he will do for you tonight?


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