Authors Note:

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Hello my lovely readers,

Please bare with me. I am rewriting the first book of this trilogy as we speak. This book is under construction till further notice <3 

I hope you all enjoyed the second book of the trilogy. Please give me time to rewrite 3rd. This will take me some time. I love you guy's so much. Thank you for all of your support, and reading my books <3 

 Thank you for all of your support, and reading my books <3 

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Love Before Enmity: Liar's Words (book 1) Being Rewritten 

Love Before Enmity: Liar's Words (book 1) Being Rewritten 

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Enemies Entwined: Cheater's Deception (book 2) Rewriting Soon 

Enemies Entwined: Cheater's Deception (book 2) Rewriting Soon 

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Bitter To Better: Traitor's Stab (book 3) Rewriting Soon 

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Enemies Entwined: Cheaters Deception (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now