Chapter 3.

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 Chapter 3.


I stared at the helmet he was handing me, in chock. Besides us, I noticed a motorcycle, all of black.

"No way" I said, getting scared.

It was just too much in a night. First, I almost got abused by two drunk strangers. Then, a mysterious man save me and take me to a creepy bar. And after that he really think I'm gonna accept to ride this motorcycle? Why doesn't he kill you right now, so he won't waste his time. My inner voice, even if she was annoying with her sarcasm, was right. This was dangerous. Zayn looked at me, a little amused.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Forget that, I won't ride this killer machine" I replied with a shaky voice.

My breathing was heavy and irregular. I was starting to panic.

"Killer Machine?" he repeated.

I saw him bite his bottom lip, as if he was trying to not laugh at me.

"Yes. It's dangerous" I said.

Again, I felt my eyes watering, but this time I fought back the tears. A knot was forming in my stomach, and again, I was feeling sick.

He came closer to me, the helmet still in his hands.

"Luce, just put the helmet and don't argue" he said.

I shook my head and apply pressure on my stomach with my hand. My head was spinning. 

''It's too much'' I mumbled.

I let myself fall on my knees, on the cold and wet sidewalk. My body was shaking, controled by spasms. Tears felt down on my cheaks and my mouth was opened, in search for air. I was gasping, and for a second, I tought I would pass out. Zayn dropped the helmet and I heard it hit the ground in a metallic noise. Zayn bent down to my level, and for the second time that night, whipped away my tears.

''It's okay, shhh'' he whispered. 

He hugged my tightly in his strong arms, and after a moment, I started to calm down. Being here in his arms was weird, but I was happy that he was their for me right now. I was happy that he was their for me back in this alley. No matter who this guy was, I was thankful.

''You're tired, you need to rest. What happenned to you is big, and it's normal that you're still in chock. Let me drive you home'' he said.

His voice was so reassuring, I simply nodded, silently crying.

He stood up and help me do the same. Supporting my weight, he bent down, picked up the helmet and helped me put it on. 

''I'm sorry, I know everything's going to fast for you, but we really have to go now''

I nodded, feeling exhausted, and watched him sit on the motorycle.

"Ok, so just sit behind me" he asked.

"Don't you wear any helmet?" I asked, my voice shaking a bit.

"You're wearing my only one... But no. I don't need these things" he said, confident. "Ok, now just climb"

I took a deep breath and straddled the motorcycle, climbing on it. It almost took all the strengh I had left, but I finally did it. He asked me to hold his waist, wich I did. 

"Have you ride a motorcycle before?" he asked.

I answered no with a move of my head.

"Then hold me tight'' he said.

With that, he started up the vehicule in a big motor noise. My arms were tightly around him, pressing my body close to his back and my legs against his. The wind was cold and was slapping my cheeks, wet from my tears. I hid my face behind Zayn a little more, protecting myself. Close to him as I was, I could smell his scent : a mix of cigarette, old leather and musk. I looked around us, seeing the city defile under my gaze.

I indicated Zayn the way back to my house. After only a few minutes, I was already there. All the lights were closed, so I guessed my dad was already sleeping. Good : I didn't want to explain him why I was getting back home so late, on a motorcycle and with a stranger. I took off the helmet and gave it back to Zayn. He took it and place it under his arm.

"Hum... Thanks for the ride" I said, my head still spinning a little.

"No problem" he answered back.

I waited a few seconds, and since he didn't said anything else, I finally climb off of the motorcycle. I walked a few meters before I heard his voice behind me.


I turned around to face him. He gave me a worried look.

''Are you gonna be alright?''

I took a moment to think about it, then nodded.

"I'm giving you back your bag tomorrow" he add, then start up his motorcycle.

I watched as he left my street and until I couldn't hear the sound of his vehicule anymore. I sighted and finally entered in my house. I was thanking God that my dad didn't lock the door, because my keys were in my bag, the one I left in the alley. I slowly closed the door, trying to not make too much noise. I walked in the livingroom to the kitchen, and I openned my fridge in a search for food. I was starving, to be honest. I found some pasta and I ate them directly, without even taking time to cook them in the microwaves. The feeling of food hiting the bottom of my empty stomach was weird, so I also drank a glass of water. A quick look to the hour on the microwaves made me know that it was past midnight.

After cleaning up quickly, I silently went upstairs and stepped inside my bedroom. But once in my pijama and under my blanket, I couldn't close my eyes. I tried to sleep, but my brain couldn't stop replaying the night, again and again. I still had difficulties to realise what hapenned. I sight. What the hell just happened to me ?

End of chapter 3 ! Pretty please, if you read this, give me your opinion ! I don't care if it's positive or not, I juste want to know what you guys think of it! It would mean everything to me ! I love you guys, next chapter coming soon :) <3

Rose xox

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