Chapter 73

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The day was unusually busy at Vanderwood Enterprise. Meetings were back-to-back, and the hum of activity filled the air. Robyn, now heavily pregnant, decided to visit William at the office. They had planned to have lunch together and discuss some last-minute preparations for the baby's arrival.

"Just think, William," Robyn said with a smile, holding her belly, "only a few more days, and we'll meet our little one."

William grinned, placing a gentle hand on her bump. "I can't wait," he said, kissing her forehead. "But for now, let's get you to the cafeteria. You must be starving."

They stepped into the elevator, the doors closing behind them. Suddenly, the lights flickered and the elevator jolted to a stop. The emergency lights kicked in, casting a dim glow.

"Great timing," Robyn muttered, leaning against the wall.

William pressed the emergency button. "Hello? We're stuck in the elevator. Can anyone hear me?"

There was static, and then Kimberly's voice crackled through. "William, we've had a power outage. We're working on it. Just hang tight."

Robyn took a deep breath, her expression shifting from irritation to concern. "William, I think... I think the baby's coming."

William's eyes widened in alarm. "Now? Here?"

Robyn nodded, clutching her stomach as another contraction hit. "Yes. It's happening now." They have been sitting there for an hour and the contractions were coming hard and fast.

William quickly assessed the situation. There was no way they could wait for help. He needed to deliver the baby right here, right now. He took a deep breath, trying to stay calm.

"Okay, Robyn, I need you to lie down," he said, his voice steady despite the panic rising inside him. He took off his jacket and laid it on the elevator floor, helping her to lie on it.

Robyn's contractions were coming fast and hard. She gritted her teeth, trying to stay focused. "I need to push," she gasped.

William positioned himself at her feet, trying to remember everything he had read about childbirth. "You're doing great, Robyn. Just keep breathing and push when you need to."

Minutes felt like hours as Robyn pushed with all her might. Sweat poured down her face, and her breaths came in short, desperate gasps. William stayed focused, his hands ready to catch their baby.

"I see the head!" William exclaimed, trying to stay calm. "One more big push, Robyn. You've got this."

With a final, agonizing push, their baby emerged. William caught the tiny, slippery form in his hands, his eyes wide with awe and relief. "It's a girl," he said, his voice choked with emotion.

Robyn lay back, exhausted but relieved. "Let me see her," she whispered.

William carefully handed the baby to Robyn, who cradled her daughter against her chest. "She's beautiful," Robyn murmured, tears streaming down her face.

But the relief was short-lived. Robyn's face suddenly contorted in pain, and she gasped, clutching her abdomen. Blood was pooling beneath her.

"Robyn, stay with me," William said, his voice rising in panic. "You're bleeding too much."

Robyn's grip on the baby weakened as she felt the strength leaving her body. "William... I love you," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"No, Robyn, don't do this," William pleaded, tears streaming down his face. "Stay with me. Please."

The elevator doors finally pried open, and Kimberly stood there, her face a mask of horror as she took in the scene. "We've got an ambulance on the way," she said, rushing to help.

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