Chapter 5

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Autobot Base

After another adventure of protecting the Earth, as well as mourning the lives lost in said adventure, team Prime was now winding down from their daily routines with Arcee and Bumblebee already off with their human partners, Optimus out on a scouting mission, Bulkhead just getting Miko from detention, and Ratchet monitoring the scanners with (C/n).

(C/n): "Ugh, can you scan any faster doc?" He whined.

Ratchet: "If you are so insistent on finding something to do, mercenary, then perhaps you could be joining Optimus on his scouting mission or Arcee or Bumblebee in watching their human companions." He argued back.

(C/n): "Prime can handle himself in a fight if it comes to it, and I'm pretty sure those bots don't trust me with their kids yet."

Ratchet: "Much as it surprises me to say it, I believe that is quite the contrary. You already saved their lives a few times in your time here, so perhaps you could build more rapport with them in the meantime."

(C/n): "And even if I wanted to, who would I start with?" He asked. Just then, Bulkhead finally arrived with Miko in tow, having been reprimanding her about something.

Miko: "Ugh, you sound just like my parents!" She complained as Bulk transformed into robot mode when she got out.

Bulkhead: "Aren't they Japanese?" He asked.

Miko: "You may speak a different language, but you say the same thing."

Bulkhead: "Because we want what's best for you, and that's making sure you go to school. Not jail!" He argued back.

(C/n): "Am I missing something here? Cause you could at least let me get a snack for this drama show." He commented.

Bulkhead just looked at (C/n) for a moment before turning to Miko again. "Look Miko, if you don't go to school and then college, you could end up a delinquent like (C/n) here. On the run from the law and being hunted by who knows what." He spoke, annoying the mercenary quite a bit.

Miko: "Is that true?" She asked, wanting his opinion on the subject.

Seeing this as an opportunity for payback for that snipe, (C/n) smirked and answered. "Only half the time. Once you learn the trade of my line of work, you realize that you can let the enemy come to you and scrap them in turn, getting paid by anyone that had a price on their heads. Which means I never run out of money, never run out of fights, and never run out of fun."

Miko: "...... Sweet! I wanna be a merc just like you (C/n)!" She said excitedly, much to the chagrin of her Autobot guardian.

Bulkhead: "No! Miko, that is not something you would want to be!" He spoke in annoyance. "Why would you want to take lives as a mercenary, when uh... you could save lives as a doctor! Like Ratchet here." He tried salvaging the point of this talk.

Wanting this conversation to end and get some peace in the base, said medic spoke from his post. "It appears you will be getting something to do after all (C/n). I am detecting a large Energon reading... from a land called, 'Greece'. An ancient city at that." He said, getting everyone's attention.

Bulkhead: "Ancient Greece? ~Oh, fieldtrip~!" He said in a sing-along tone aimed at Miko.


Over in the ruins of ancient Greece, a Groundbridge portal opened up, with two trucks of different types emerging. Once Miko got out of one of them, Bulkhead and (C/n) transformed into robot mode and started looking around while Miko looked around in wonder.

Miko: "Okay! So, what's our plan in 'Grecoville'?" She asked excitedly.

(C/n): "And why exactly did you two have to come along with me?" He added.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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